Birding in Texas

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2018
Upstate NY
Trekkend through dense brush, rattle snake trails, and alligator and mosquito infested swamps over the course of several weeks last winter to capture some bird pics while visiting Texas.

Ok, ok... I LIE!  ;)

Truth be told we were at a bird sanctuary sitting in the shade in comfortable chairs, for a couple of hours sipping a cool refreshment with our telephoto lens on a tripod in front of us while dozens of these flyers came by to pose for pictures and feast on various treats put out for them. But hey-- we did have to carry some pretty heavy camera equipment 100 yards or so!  ;D
Awesome pictures. I live in the country in Virginia and look, listen to the birds every morning. Sometimes in breeding season I get lucky and see birds not usually seen. I have to go home and look up what they.
Very nice pics!  I always admire someone who can get a bird shot without it being blurry, they move so fast it is tough to do!
DavidM said:
Very nice jymbee!  What are you shooting with?

Thanks David. We were using a Canon 5D Mark III with a 600 mm lens mounted on a tripod gimbal. One of those "old fashioned" DSLR rigs.  ;D
jymbee said:
Thanks David. We were using a Canon 5D Mark III with a 600 mm lens mounted on a tripod gimbal. One of those "old fashioned" DSLR rigs.  ;D

That sounds a good set up for long distance and stable photography.
roninX said:
That sounds a good set up for long distance and stable photography.

FYI this is where we were positioned:
jymbee said:
FYI this is where we were positioned:

That's a very wide place for birds! Must be a haven for bird photography.

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