Boston by RV

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Steve CDN

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2005
Has anyone traveled with an RV through Boston since they completed the Big Dig.  What's it like coming from the north to cross Boston on the way to Cape Cod after the construction.  Are RV's permitted through the new tunnel system in Boston?
Steve said:
Has anyone traveled with an RV through Boston since they completed the Big Dig.? What's it like coming from the north to cross Boston on the way to Cape Cod after the construction.? Are RV's permitted through the new tunnel system in Boston?

Completed the Big Dig?  Maybe, but Boston is riddled with a gazillion Little Digs.  Town is a traffic mess.
Steve, you couldn't pay me enough to drive through Boston in my car, much less an RV.  Best way to get to Cape Cod from the north, is to go around Boston.  It will also be much faster.  Just take I-495 all the way around to the south.  Only problem you will have is the crazy drivers in Massachusetts.  They all think the entrance ramp speed is between 35 and 45 and they NEVER look to see if it is clear to enter the Interstate.  And the like to stay at that speed for at least a mile. 

No way would I drie my unit into Boston  I fact no where close to it.  Never lost anything there and sure to don't want to see Hog jaws Kennedy.    Good place to be from IMHO  as far from as possible.

The only way to get through Boston in a reasonably safe manner, is to go through early on a Sunday morning.  The good people are in church and the others are sleeping off their Sat. night binges.  Even I-495 north is a bear and you need to be watchful.  Especially on a Thurs. or Fri. when some are hurrying to get to their summer places in Maine. 

Having driving over that area too many times to count, it is the area we have had our closest calls to catastrophe.  Only Fred's excellent skills behind the wheel have saved us.  Since we are getting more and more skittish about it, we will now fly and motel it when we need to get our kids/grandkids fixes. 

As for the comment about the on-ramps, it is true.  Had a friend whose kids took drivers' ed in Mass.  They were told to ignore the yield signs coming onto the Interstates, or they would never get onto it.  Some great advice?????  We had one kid come on, going at least 60, cut across the 3 lanes to directly in front of us and then the other traffic in that same lane slowed.  That kid, along with his 3 other passengers almost bought it......  We came within inches, before the traffic picked up speed again.  Fred and I were both shaking 40 miles later when we hit the Maine border.    Whew!

Anyway, my 2 cents worth......

Heck  John  I forgot about the circles  Getting dizzy just thinking about it again.
You shoudl have heard my wife when we came to those on our trip to the cape oh, about 18 years ago.

As it happens there are a couple of them here in Michigan.  One was just a few miles from where I grew up so I am familure with how to navigate around one
We used to drive through Boston before the Big Dig and it woould usually be on a Sunday, but that was a few years ago when Boston was just a colonial town and the traffic was mainly horses ;D

I've also driven I-495 and can see that it would make a much safer crossing.

Where would be a good place to stay with a big rig to be convenient to visit the Big City of Boston now?  I presume the horses are gone ???

I just picked up a motor home northwest of Boston. Came down I495. I would never try to go through Boston under any conditions!!! I hate driving it in a car.
"Are campers and RV's allowed on the Massachusetts Turnpike and the Metropolitan Highway System (the Boston Extension and the Ted Williams and Sumner/Callahan Tunnels)?
Yes, campers and RV's are allowed; however, any vehicles carrying propane cannot travel on the Boston Extension (the Turnpike within Route 128) or through the tunnels."
The new Big Dig tunnel from North to south station seems to have helped a lot but as mentioned ,surface roads across town are a mess . Don't know about navigating them in a big rv. Going around town on 128 or 495 is considerably longer miles and time .I'm on these roads every day  , lucky me . My best bet would be to scoot through town at 5 am  ;D I don't know how you get around the propane regulation though but it doesn't specifically include the across town tunnell.
BTW you guys have to learn a few new words when describing us Boston drivers . "Adroit", "Clever" "resourcefull"  "creative" "nimble" etc  :eek:

BTW you guys have to learn a few new words when describing us Boston drivers . "Adroit", "Clever" "resourcefull"  "creative" "nimble" etc 

Odd, I was thinking "berserk".


Carl L/LA

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