Breakdown turns into nice experience

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Active member
Aug 10, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
We were making our way up to Cachuma Lake for the weekend when I heard a loud pop from the left front corner of my '03 F250. The truck immediately lost power, and thankfully, we were at the bottom of the San Marcos pass (where there is room to pull over). I thought it was a blown tire at first, but all the tires were fine. I then thought it was a blown hose, but there were no leaks. My last guess was a tranny problem only because the engine was idling fine, but we could not get above 10mph.

After a call to AAA to arrange the 115-mile tow back home, two tow trucks arrived - a flat bed for my F250 and another F250 to pull my 5th wheel. Jeff, the owner of Bob Holzer Towing, had my family climb into his F250 after we hooked up the 5th wheel. He explained that the flat bed would be going to his shop first because he had a driver coming in to start a new shift (it would be a long drive to take us home, then come back). As we drove with Jeff we were chatting about what might have happened when a thought came to him and I swear I saw a light bulb go on above his head! He called his shop to see if my truck was still there (which it was), and had one of his guys check to see if the clamp that holds the air tube to the turbo had failed.

We pulled off the freeway and waited for his guy to check my F250. Not more than 5 minutes later we got the call, verifying that it was the clamp. Jeff told his guy to replace the clamp and have the truck ready because we were turning around! Jeff was on a mission to make sure our weekend was not ruined. We got back to the shop, hooked up our 5th wheel, gave Jeff's guy a tip, and made our way to Cachuma. It was a fantastic weekend!

Hopefully, I will never need a tow again, but if I do, I hope it's in the Santa Barbara area and I hope it's Bob Holzer Towing that comes to our rescue.
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