Bugs! Need help please nothing works!

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Frankedj said:
Google: "Clove powder for pest control"

It won't harm you or your pets. It also smells good.

DE, Diatomaceous Earth can be dangerous if you breathe it in as it is known to cause cancer.

Pest control companies are useless because if they actually do a good job they lose you as a customer so they will never do a good job and eradicate the pests completely. They also use harmful chemicals.

My sister is the head of the pest control unit for student housing and all of the kitchens for the University of Illinois main campus.

Another option is heat. It is what is done to eliminate bed bugs and it is the latest thing. It will be difficult to find someone to do it as the equipment to do it has only recently been invented. They raise the room temperature up to around 140 degrees F for a few hours and it kills everything including bedbugs, larvae and eggs. The machine that does it is about 60 grand plus the remote temp monitoring equipment. The U of I is buying one at my sister's request.

Frank, I was interested when you said temps around 140 degrees will kill bedbugs. I know someone real close to my family and they had the hardest time to get rid of them so I Googled it and came up with several articles which all basically said this:

Bed bugs ex- posed to 113?F will die if they receive constant exposure to that temperature for 90 minutes or more. However, they will die within 20 minutes if exposed to 118?F. Interestingly, bed bug eggs must be exposed to 118?F for 90 minutes to reach 100% mortality.

Seems it wouldn't take too much to raise a bedroom up to these temperatures with a couple of space heaters.
Rene T said:
Frank, I was interested when you said temps around 140 degrees will kill bedbugs. I know someone real close to my family and they had the hardest time to get rid of them so I Googled it and came up with several articles which all basically said this:

Bed bugs ex- posed to 113?F will die if they receive constant exposure to that temperature for 90 minutes or more. However, they will die within 20 minutes if exposed to 118?F. Interestingly, bed bug eggs must be exposed to 118?F for 90 minutes to reach 100% mortality.

Seems it wouldn't take too much to raise a bedroom up to these temperatures with a couple of space heaters.

Those temps will work in a clothes dryer but not for a room. Ambient temp in the room needs to be 130F and it has to soak so that underneath every cushion and between everything can rise to temp.

She just gave me the whole lecture when I asked about the temp those machines do. domyownpestcontrol.com They have kits. She said to read everything. Encase a mattress which traps the bedbugs inside and cuts of their food source which is the person that sleeps in the bed. The cover has to stay on for over a year if this is done by itself. You can do the same with furniture as it can't be sprayed.

When they do the heat treatments they use temp probes under couch cushions. You can also move everything into tents set up within a room that let you heat a smaller area easier. There is one company near Chicago that has the first one of those $60,000 machines. They helped the industrial heater company design and test it.

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