California - love it or hate it

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Reading this topic has really restored (or maybe just underscored) my faith in the integrity of this forum.  :D

California gets "slammed" a lot, for whatever reasons, dating back to the hippie days -- land of fruits and nuts, etc.  We who live here know that's a bunch of bunk, but the legend persists.  Yes, we have traffic.  So do other states.  Yes we have congestion... ever tried to negoitate Phoenix at rush hour?  California is in my heart and memory and other's birthplaces are in their hearts and memories.  It's hard to hear defamatory statements when your heart is remembering long ago times  and long ago relatives and places and friendships.  That's true no matter where you consider "home".

What makes me especially proud of this RV Forum is that we have had an open discussion with pros and cons aired and nobody has gotten really riled.  We've heard from as many supporters and as we have detractors.  Nobody has gotten nasty.  :D

Give yourselves a pat on the back, framily!


Bottom line if everybody liked the same place and surroundings that place would be so crowded there wouldn't be room to take a walk. ;D
I was born raised in California and we left for greener pastures 3 years ago  .    The only things I miss are the good Mexican food and the desert areas that allowed dry camping and off road vehicles .  The bad things about California with fill 60 pages .
Great sign Tom.  When we arrived in 1962 we could still see fields of Golden Poppy's on some of the hillsides.


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