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Gizmo100 said:
Living in the south...We are all assumed to be a bunch of inbred ...........
I can assure everyone I am none of the above.
Can't fool me, I know your story! Lol, only in the south hehehe
sightseers said:
it ends up much of her class room instructions were not in English

Though I do believe being muilti-lingual is a survival skill.

One of the very few Republican party desires I support is making AMERICAN ENGLISH (not ENGLISH) the Official language. WE DO NOT SPEAK ENGLISH IN THIS COUNTRY.  I'm fairly good at detecting the differences when I read/hear them but ..... I Speak AMERICAN english. different language from what my Friends in London speak.
garyb1st said:
You're comparing Detroit 1960 to Silicon Valley 2018?

no.    Detroit 1920's all the way to the 50's ...... by the 60's Detroit was done.
[quote author=John From Detroit]I Speak AMERICAN english. different language from what my Friends in London speak.[/quote]

It's fondly called Amlish. I grew up speaking Britlish, Welsh and Wenglish, and learned to speak Amlish working for a CA company in the 70's. I watch/listen to TV programs and podcasts from the UK in addition to talking regularly with folks from the home country; Over the last 10+ years I've observed quite a move away from Queen's English/Britlish/Wenglish to Amlish. Even long-time Cockney friends have slowly migrated to speaking Amlish; Presumably, the Cockney community hasn't come up with new 'Cockney rhyming slang'.
John From Detroit said:
Though I do believe being muilti-lingual is a survival skill.

One of the very few Republican party desires I support is making AMERICAN ENGLISH (not ENGLISH) the Official language.

oh my !... not those awful Republic desires  ;)...  Be careful John,  The next thing you know, you will be supporting Border security.    ;D 

Every night hundreds of new Democrats walk into California.... and more Republicans are moving out.

    :))  so it's very unlikely anything Republican will ever happen here again.  :))    Yay for California !    ..right?
Unfortunately a very large percentage of California's economy comes from 3 (tech) companies located in Silicon Valley.

History repeats itself...Michigan, Detroit. Auto Industry.  A snapshot of what could happen to California.

But everyone will be happy because pot will be legal. 

Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Tom said:
It's fondly called Amlish. I grew up speaking Britlish, Welsh and Wenglish, and learned to speak Amlish working for a CA company in the 70's. I watch/listen to TV programs and podcasts from the UK in addition to talking regularly with folks from the home country; Over the last 10+ years I've observed quite a move away from Queen's English/Britlish/Wenglish to Amlish. Even long-time Cockney friends have slowly migrated to speaking Amlish; Presumably, the Cockney community hasn't come up with new 'Cockney rhyming slang'.

I always thought it was funny the way many of the British groups sounded fantastic when they were singing....

but in conversation...... You could only pick up about 1/2 of the words  :))
[quote author=sightseers]but in conversation...... You could only pick up about 1/2 of the words[/quote]

LOL. If you add the different languages, dialects and accents of the UK into the mix, it can appear much more confusing  ;D
My wife hates it whenever I watch a movie with a British setting.....

I have to turn the sound up way.... or I can't follow the dialog.    :-\

( and here in California.... the closed caption is not likely to be in English.... ;D )
As I always tell folks, communication requires both a functional transmitter and a functional receiver  ;)
I knew a Cockney, I'm sure he was the inspiration for Andy Capp the comic strip character. He was quite hard to understand until I got to know him. One day he was livid, one of his customers told him to speak English. He retorted he was the one speaking bloody English, I had to turn away to keep from laughing.
I grew up 100 miles from the border, my grandparents on both sides were from the U.S. yet my speech is different enough that many Americans pick up the difference. By the same token Americans stand out here as soon as they speak.
sightseers said:
I always thought it was funny the way many of the British groups sounded fantastic when they were singing....

but in conversation...... You could only pick up about 1/2 of the words  :))

Normal speech and singing originate in different parts of the brain, so accents don't affect the singing voice, which is basically done phonetically.  Neither do impairments such as stuttering.

Mel Tillis is one example.  He had a severe stutter while speaking, but was able to sing flawlessly.  If there was a speaking part within a song (like in his song Detroit City) he'd often fall apart trying to recite it, then return to flawless singing.

Same for Marilyn Monroe and James Earl Jones.  Both stuttered while speaking normally  but were able to work around it by going into their effected voice.  Marilyn had her breathy speech while James used his "voice of god" projection.
Tom said:
LOL. If you add the different languages, dialects and accents of the UK into the mix, it can appear much more confusing  ;D
I remember when I went on a trip to a European customer and our UK office sent along a field engineer. I was terribly embarrassed that I could only understand about half of what he said! He had been raised and schooled in rural northern England, and he laughingly noted half of the office in Reading couldn?t understand him either! He started speaking slowly and distinctly, and I got up to understanding about 80%.
Lou Schneider said:
Mel Tillis is one example.  He had a severe stutter while speaking, but was able to sing flawlessly.  If there was a speaking part within a song (like in his song Detroit City) he'd often fall apart trying to recite it, then return to flawless singing.

Didn't know that.  Whenever I saw him perform and then talk, I assumed it was an act. 
[quote author=UTTransplant]... I could only understand about half of what he said! He had been raised and schooled in rural northern England...[/quote]
Sounds like he was a Geordie.

He started speaking slowly and distinctly, and I got up to understanding about 80%.

Many moons ago a friend whispered in my ear that "someone up there can't understand a word you say". Since this could be career limiting, I met with a speech therapist who said I was "clear as a bell", then a second opinion who said the same thing, but added "I love your accent". Back to the first therapist, "hey we have do something here!" He said "the only thing I see is that you have a bilateral deviated septum, and you may be sounding nasal". So I scheduled surgery, although the surgeon said "I doubt this will do anything for your speech".

Several months later I commented to the guy up there "you now understand everything I say, right?" He said "yes! What have you done?" I said "I speak much sloooower and I speak MUCH LOUDER". I'd finally figured out that he had a hearing issue that prevented him from hearing low frequencies (I'm a baritone, bordering on bass), and he also had issues listening to/hearing numerous folks from around the globe who spoke fast.
UTTransplant said:
...He started speaking slowly and distinctly, and I got up to understanding about 80%.

Hahaha - works the other way around, too. Our priest is Vietnamese. He's been here since age 11 (he's 39 now) so he has a good handle on English but he's also in charge of about 5 or 6 Vietnamese (and 1 Korean) seminarians. They have various levels of English-speaking proficiency. It's tough to remember which of them are better than others. I picked one up from the train station one day for the half hour ride to our church and I did speak "slowly and distinctly". I must have gotten the right combination because he thanked me for "speaking clearly" so he could understand.  ;D
I found the OP?s post not factual, but offensive, most likely intentionally.

I read all the California bashing that goes on here and feel sorry for those folks.  I assume that most of them are jealous or ignorant or both.  The comment about the California economy being due to three companies in Silicon Valley shows a complete lack of knowledge.  California agriculture provides a substantial amount of the food consumed in the US.  Its ports are among the busiest in the world.  Its overall economy is consistently the fifth or sixth largest in the world.

Unfortunately when it comes time to bash California the liars are legion.
Tom said:
LOL. If you add the different languages, dialects and accents of the UK into the mix, it can appear much more confusing  ;D

Same here for Amlish. When I was stationed in Charleston in the '80's, one room mate was from Michigan, another was from Sumter, and a "mother figure" that was a friend of the guy from Sumter was from Georgia. She spoke deeeeep South, and we would have to translate to the guy from Michigan. It was pretty funny, and everyone took it in stride.
Nothing to do with name calling PJ,, and more like action,,  like hand wringing , crying, sobbing, but NO ACTION.. O for the days of Howard Jarvis.>>>D
Sorry, but it's time to shut down this topic.

I had to remove several messages that devolved into political statements.

Let's move on.
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