Campgrounds with free WiFi

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Jan 13, 2005
James has again updated his excellent resource. You can download the file from our library here: Campgrounds with free WiFi. A big thanks to James for taking the time to update the file and for allowing us to share it through the forum library.
[edit]Link update[/edit]
Tom, the attached zip file has James data in a DeLorme draw file for Street Atlas and Topo.


    111.4 KB · Views: 20
Thanks Ned. I extracted and uploaded the .an1 file alongside the .xls file as separate .zip files.

It's been a while since I used a Drawer layer file, but does it need the spreadsheet or could one, for example, just use the an1 file with SA?
Just add the .an1 file as a draw layer the map files.  The .xls file isn't needed for DeLorme.
OK, thanks Ned. I'll leave them in the library as 2 separate files.
  Here's the URL of the resource that I've been using to locate free Wi-fi spots at RV parks.  So far I've found it to be very accurate:

Tom said:
James has again updated his excellent resource. You can download the file from our library here: Campgrounds with free WiFi. A big thanks to James for taking the time to update the file and for allowing us to share it through the forum library.


When I click on the "free wifi" link I get the draw zip file. When I click on the "free wifi draw layer" link I get a 404 error.

They links are working here for me.  Perhaps Tom has fixed it already.
They work for me too, but I haven't done anything to fix it - just got home.
Tom said:
They work for me too, but I haven't done anything to fix it - just got home.

Must be something on my end. I'm using Firefox When I click on your link "Campgrounds with free WiFi", I get a new tab with the Forum Home page. On there if I click on "Free Wifi" I get directed to


which down loads OK. If I click on "Free Wifi draw layer" I get directed to


and that is when I get the 404 error. If I go to Ned's message the same file downloads OK.

No problem, I got both files. Thanks for checking.
Ok, I can duplicate the 404 error on the second link.  I didn't actually try to download before, just saw the save dialog and ASSumed it was ok.

The first link is OK.
Ned said:
Ok, I can duplicate the 404 error on the second link.  I didn't actually try to download before, just saw the save dialog and ASSumed it was ok.

The first link is OK.

Thanks Ned, I can stop looking for a glitch on my end.

I'm using Firefox, if I click on "check for updates" under the help menu it says no updates available. I know 2.0 is out there. Should I change to 2.0 and if I should, do I just download it and install it over 1.5.09?

There is no automatic update from 1.5.x to 2.0.  Get 2.0, install to a new folder, and it should pick up your existing profiles.  When it's working, you can delete FF 1.5.  That's the clean method.  You can try installing over 1.5 but be sure to backup up both the Firefox folder and your profiles first.
Alaskansnowbirds said:
Must be something on my end. I'm using Firefox When I click on your link "Campgrounds with free WiFi", I get a new tab with the Forum Home page. On there if I click on "Free Wifi" I get directed to
which down loads OK. If I click on "Free Wifi draw layer" I get directed to
and that is when I get the 404 error. If I go to Ned's message the same file downloads OK.
No problem, I got both files. Thanks for checking.
I can only get the one file.  I get an error using IE6 to try and get the file. 
Also, I don't see that file in Ned's message, just the first file.
Oops, error on my end. Soorrry  :-[  It should now work just fine.
Confirmed it's fixed, Tom.  You can hit the road now :)

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