Can't send messages

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Active member
Apr 12, 2008
Not sure if it's because I'm new or what, but I can't send private messages.  I tried to reply to one sent to me, but it said I wasn't allowed to do that.
The forum recently transfered to a new host, It is still "Setteling in" only a few members have PM enabled.

I suspect that the forum management can PM anyone,  And it is logical that a few folks are enabled for testing reasons.

But only a few, till they get all the bugs worked out.
It has nothing to do with a new host.

PMs were previously disabled here following a very unfortunate incident where a spammer sent PMs containing porn links to a couple of thousand members. Those that had email notification turned on found the bad stuff in their email boxes, and we had a lot of unhappy campers.

Although I subsequently implemented a number of additional security measures, sending of PMs are currently enabled for a limited, but increasing number of members. My suggestion would be to stick around a while and participate.

An alternative way to contact another member privately is to send them an email; If they don't have email hidden, an 'envelope' icon will appear beneath their avatar, and you can just click on it to send them an email.
Thanks for the info.  Was just curious because someone sent me a PM and I couldn't reply back.  No biggie!
Tom - we found that turning on the optional features including PM & email (both send & receive) after the 15th post when done in conjunction with  requiring mod approval for each post prior to a new user reaching 15 solved about 99.8% of our issues. 

A little tough on the mod squad when lots of new folks are posting but well worth the effort.

AirForce - feel free to email me.  newt @

I didn't know you couldn't send PMs either.  Oops.

We don't moderate any posts - something we prefer not to do. Our additional security measures for PMs include, but are not limited to:

  • Minimum number of public posts.
  • Captcha.
  • Limited number of PMs/hour.

Having been the recipient of numerous hate mails as a result of that unfortunate episode, I'm somewhat gun shy about turning it over to automated criteria. I'll continue to manage it manually for now.
All very good measures Tom and should prevent most of the spam issues.

Part of our problem is the lack of decent sea fishing in the UK waters and the increasing hostility between recreational sea anglers and those who fish for a living.  The worse the stock populations get the more invective we are seeing so things can blow up in a hurry.

We have at least a half dozen valuable and long time members who had to be put back on supervised posting because they would go along fine for weeks and then launch attacks.  Knowing that a mod sees each post before it is made public and deletes the ones that are  purely attacking pretty well keeps them from even trying.

Luckily the US RV situation is a bit less explosive.

A certain amount of hate mail just seems to go with the job but the pay is so great, who can resist?  ;D  I'm due for a 4000% pay raise next month which if my maths are accurate, will have me making $0 per year.
I at least got a free email address out of the whole deal.  I am probably the only person in North Carolina who has a email address available to confuse folks. ;D
Wish you guys would quit complaining about the pay; You made 1000% more than me  :(
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