Canvas covers

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Active member
May 1, 2016
Beaufort SC
I am looking for a canvas cover for my travel trailer. I have seen them in camping world in the 500-600$ range. This seems high to me but I am no expert. I do know I want to cover it to protect it from birds and un needed sun and weather wear. I would appreciate any suggestion on brand prices so forth. Thanks
Look on Amazon the have good prices that's where I got mine free shipping to
I bought mine on amazon for a 27' tt and it was @ 230.00  They are not canvas, they are much lighter and have zippers for access and have lots of ventilation. 
Sam Bar said:
I bought mine on amazon for a 27' tt and it was @ 230.00  They are not canvas, they are much lighter and have zippers for access and have lots of ventilation. 

Sam do you recall the brand? Have you been happy with it?
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