Cellular Boosters Without External Antenna

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2011
I am aware that having an external antenna is better, but with our Tiffin, it just doesn't work out. The issue is not with the antenna itself but with the coax which needs to be run inside. I am just not happy with the choices of entry location.

So, I am looking for a mobile hotspot that has connections for an antenna that could be suction cupped to a window.

Are there any choices that will make enough difference to be worthwhile?
I believe you could use any antenna you wanted on any of them so long as the antenna coupler matches and the ohm rating was the same as the outdoor antenna
Sorry, but please re-read. There is no outdoor antenna, so your reply doesn't make sense to me.
Here is what we have.



PJ, the antenna you have is exactly the one I zeroed in on but instead of the device you use I would use one by ZTE for Consumer Cellular.

That being said, does it work well enough to make it worthwhile?
We have been in a couple of areas where it made a difference, and for the price, we feel it is worth it.
Back2PA said:
I believe you could use any antenna you wanted on any of them so long as the antenna coupler matches and the ohm rating was the same as the outdoor antenna
arcticfox2005 said:
Sorry, but please re-read. There is no outdoor antenna, so your reply doesn't make sense to me.
I believe you can use any cell phone antenna indoors, (if your mobile hotspot has connections for an antenna.... and IF the antenna is compatible with your mobile hotspot).
We also have a cradle booster like this. https://www.ebay.com/i/253017386517?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=253017386517&targetid=883069117886&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9061145&poi=&campaignid=9426387489&mkgroupid=95112702865&rlsatarget=aud-622524042678:pla-883069117886&abcId=1140476&merchantid=113610834&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwP3yBRCkARIsAABGiPr5kbVzqXLixS6wixRTItx4CX_Kj_DXu38ToUB4mvQX9IJE1w1fiH0aAkskEALw_wcB

We put the mifi device in the cradle, and place the antenna as high up as we can in the motorhome. We primarily used this before we got the 8801 with the mimo capability.
PJ Stough said:
We also have a cradle booster like this.  https://afternarcissisticabuse.files.wordpress.com/2020/01/orange-purple-gaslighting-meme.jpg?w=640&fbclid=IwAR1js-7oUbEiUbgnt0AH3oBgCQAlaDYu_PBl2F3qtJuKwQ58R2XpcG9JC6U

We put the mifi device in the cradle, and place the antenna as high up as we can in the motorhome. We primarily used this before we got the 8801 with the mimo capability.

Did you mean to insert a different link?  :eek: ??? :-\
I also have the suction cup MIMO antenna connected to a ATT hotspot. I also have a WeBoost cellular signal booster. I believe the MiMo antenna works as well as the cellular booster and sometimes better. Actually since buying the MiMo antenna I haven't used the booster.

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