Check Engine light followed by Shut Down Engine light

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2018
Molalla, Oregon
I have a Fleetwood Bounder with Cummins diesel (330hp).  We've owned it for 4 months without a glitch.  When driving for the first time in 2 weeks, and 5 minutes after start up, I got a yellow check engine light.  The gauges all were normal.  A minute later I got a red "Shut engine down" light - gauges still normal.  I shut down immediately and coasted to a stop in the middle of the road.  After a minute I started back up and had no further warnings for the 20 minutes I was driving.  I happened to run into another DP owner at the tire store which was my destination.  He said his DP does this frequently. 
My last maintenance was 6 weeks ago - oil and all filters change.

Please let me know if you have experienced a similar issue.
I have seen a poor ground connection to engine block cause similar problems on over the road outfits. Seen it  on both Cat and Cummins. My brother had a series 60 Detroit in a KW that had a partially corroded fuse that caused intermittent warnings and shut downs. He spent over $4000 and pulled most of his hair out before we found that problem. No codes. Early Detroit. Also, my experience with Cat and Cummins ends with 2002 models.
I don't think I would bet on that either way - odds are around 50/50, I think.  In any case, the chassis VIN will identify the chassis year if that becomes important.

I've seen Check Engine lights come and go fairly often in some operating conditions, but a shut-down warning is both serious and rare.  A call to Cummins should get some advice on what can trigger an engine Shut Down warning, yet clear quickly.
Thank you to everyone who posted.  Thanks to your advice I was able to find a mechanic near my home in Oregon (I live in a logging town with a few truck mechanics).

The problem was simple - a bad coolant sensor.  The mechanic told me without this fix I would have to ensure a shutdown every 10 minutes.  It was a cheap part and they were able to fix it within the same day.  Our trip to the Oregon Coast was delayed by only 1 day.

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