Check Your Tires!

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2006
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is warning drivers across the country to carefully check their tires. Today the agency along with Tech International issued a recall involving as many as 30 million tires distributed here in the U.S.  The problem involves the tire stem valve. The rubber portion of the valve stem may crack causing your tires to lose air and possibly force you to lose control of your car.

NHTSA did not identify the tire manufacturers that may be involved in the recall. What they did say is that we should all check the valve stems on our tires for cracks and if you notice a crack you should call your tire manufacturer.

And guess where the stems were made?  That's right, China.

According to NHTSA the recall began on May 13th although the government didn't send out a recall alert until yesterday.

Here's the letter from Tech International that was sent over two months ago.

You can sign up to receive alerts about tire recalls here.

I don't know why tire manufacturers would be involved in a recall for valve stems.  I doubt the tire manufacturer has any say in what valve stem goes into the wheel before the tire is mounted.  I suspect the chassis manufacturer buys tires, wheels, and valve stems as entirely separate lot purchases.
I'm kind of know that failure mode.. Far far better than I would like to

For an average or better driver loss of the tire valve stem should NOT result in loss of control of the vehicle

For some drivers however.......... Well, let's just say some drivers any thing out of ordinary = disaster

But I've lost both car and trailer valve stems (Front tire on the car) and never had a control issue.  Lots of warning

I'm not, however, running low-profile tires on the car (they go flat faster) and ... Well.. I did watch the video
(Michelin's what to do if the tire goes BANG video)
I'm assuming most of the tires affected here are passenger car tires.  So who do you call when you have a tire with a defective valve?  Tech International is telling consumers to notify the tire retailer where the valves were installed.  It also says in the letter that they have established a system to help their tire retailer customers replace the valves based on a range of lot numbers identified by the manufacturer.

KodiakRV said:
I don't know why tire manufacturers would be involved in a recall for valve stems.  I doubt the tire manufacturer has any say in what valve stem goes into the wheel before the tire is mounted.  I suspect the chassis manufacturer buys tires, wheels, and valve stems as entirely separate lot purchases.

Many coach builders buy the wheels as a complete package; tire, wheel, mounted and balanced. The tire manufacturer would be involved if it was the supplier.

PressurePro has been warning about the Chinese valve stems for quite a while. Many sensors were replaced before the valve stem problem was identified.
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