Checked in to QZ yesterday afternoon. Internet up today.

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked
Shane and I and our admirals arrived in our little caravan yesterday around 2 pm.? We were greeted by Marlene and Bernie and got helpful direction into our side by side spots.? Shane caused a little consternation with his 65 foot length, but we had plenty of engineering help.? ?;D

This morning got our sat Internet dish running, and now am trying to remember how to set my password.? Once that is done I am open for sharing.? I am located about midway down the alley for those who are at the midpoints.? I see other sat dishes at each end, so the coverage looks pretty evenly distributed.

At first I was told my parking spot was about a quarter of a mile from everyone else.? I asked why?? "Because you are the karaoke man."? ?I said, "What about my 50 amp pedestal?"? They said,"It was confiscated from you."


But the parking committee relented and let me in with the main party.? ;D? We should be ready to dispense karaoke by the weekend.? LOL!? ?:D

And Ron, I was assured a spot facing east or south would be reserved for you.? Or whichever direction you asked about.? This morning I can no longer remember what direction you asked for yesterday, but I was coherent when I put in your request.? ?;D

Once Ron gets there and I Get back I'll have a sat dish set up and working as well... I hope

By the way Smokey.. though I'm back in Detroit for a bit,,, Wife is in a Damon Intruder with a spare 1.8Kw generator and air compressor on the back and a white cage next to it.  Feel free to say hi to her

I told her to contact one of the net-active folks if she really needs to get ahold of me as I'll be checking my mail and PM"s so long as my battery holds out (Forgot the charger, I'm running off a car battery, Estimate 10 hours of computer time, that's about 5 days worth)

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