Chemical Use in Grey/Black Tanks?

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2009
Central Coast of California
Our new TT is on order and we won't have it til September.  But I am reading here and learning LOTS. 

In another thread, someone mentioned not using chemicals in a black tank if the tt is new.  It has been 14 years since we had a tt with a black tank, so this all like new to us once again.

-what chemicals should we use in which tanks including the fresh water tank.
-and if none in the grey and black, why not?

(I did find in the "library" how to clean the black tank).
Some of us use chemicals in the black tank, regardless if it is new or not.  Different strokes, etc.

We don't use any chemicals in the gray tank - nothing except a bleach solution in the freshwater tank when we sanitize it.
Goog plan.  The only thing to remember is to start an empty black tank with 2-3 gallons of fresh water  to fill the drain pipe and tank bottom.
If you grew up with an outhouse you wouldn't notice the smell.

The only thing I have used that I like is:

RV/Maine No formaldehyde  "ODORCON" the address on the container is Bolton Enterprises  10044 Crespi dr, Pacifica , Ca 94044  877 685 8763.  I don't have a website and I'm not sure this dealer is still active.  i purchased it at a rally.

Since I have purchase a 360 Vent for the roof vent pipe I have stopped using chemicals.  However, if you sit in one place and have little air movement you may experience some smell.

I use rid-x (purchase at supermarket) for my home septic system and have used it in the MH.  However, we usually dump frequently and I'm not sure how effective it works in a short period.  Rid-x comes in a powder and liiquid forms. 

When our traps for gray water/shower etc smell we use a cup of white vinegar and it seems to work for us.

You need to be careful with chemicals in the black tank as they may eat your seals.

I use the GEO system:

Basically it is water softener, liquid detergent and bleach. No problems so long as I remember to put a few gallons of fresh water into the black tank after I am done dumping.
Thanks for all the great info.  My hubby and I were just having this discussion today.  We are newbies and we are picking up our new TT next week. This was a big concern of mine.  I think all my fears are now solved...........
I followed the link in Tom's post and read the linked page all the way to the end.

Here's the last sentence on that page:

"Perhaps I should add here that we never put toilet paper into the holding tank either so we don't have to worry about TP clogs!"

HUH?!!!  Boggles the mind........  Anyone else follow that practice?

I had friends that followed that practice on their boat.  There was a paper bag in the head for the paper.
I've heard of people doing it but it boggles the mind why. I would sell the RV before I would do it.

I can't imagine what a paper sack full of used TP must smell like.


Quite a few of us here on the Forum don't use any chemicals at all. Here is a thread that you might want to read.
Alaskansnowbirds said:
I can't imagine what a paper sack full of used TP must smell like.


We throw the TP in the toilet, but I am pretty sure a sack full of TP must smell the same as a sack full of diapers.  That's why the bag is small and brought out frequently.
Out of the many, many, sailboaters that I've known, there was just the one.  Maybe it's more common in California, but not on the Great Lakes.
I should have clarified Ned; These were reports from sailboaters who were traveling in "pristine waters" away from the U.S. It's too long ago to recall where that was.
Having a friend at Thetford,,

I have a huge box of tissue and a big box of the blue (non formaldehyde) stuff. In effect it is a no brainer on using the chemicals. ;D
We have had the TT now for over two weeks.  We have not used any chemicals in the black tank!  We have no oders!!!  So I'm glad that I had this site to get a head's up on this one.

One thing that is happening though....  we are trying to put enough water in the black tank so that when we dump at 2/3 full, all the stuff will come out ok.  We have been following a pee only policy (as we have been fortunate to have a public toilet available for other needs ,,, hmmmmm maybe that is why we don't have any oders?).  Like some others on this forum, we have found that our black tank sensor will say that it is 2/3 full after we have emptied it fully.  We are stumped.  We have done everything we have read on here.  I guess we will post in separate thread later if we are still hung up on this one.
ihealthi said:
We have had the TT now for over two weeks.  We have not used any chemicals in the black tank!  We have no oders!!!  So I'm glad that I had this site to get a head's up on this one.

One thing that is happening though....  we are trying to put enough water in the black tank so that when we dump at 2/3 full, all the stuff will come out ok.  We have been following a pee only policy (as we have been fortunate to have a public toilet available for other needs ,,, hmmmmm maybe that is why we don't have any oders?).  Like some others on this forum, we have found that our black tank sensor will say that it is 2/3 full after we have emptied it fully.  We are stumped.  We have done everything we have read on here.  I guess we will post in separate thread later if we are still hung up on this one.

We don't have a pee only policy.  The main reason we got a trailer over a pop-up was so that we have our own bathroom instead of using public bathrooms. 

If you only have liquid in your black tank, no toilet paper and no solids.  You don't need to be 2/3 full as liquid always drains easy.  That's mostly if you have solids.  We just use the amount of water necessary to flush the toilet.  However, before I got to empty the tanks, I will add water in the toilet if there is not enough for a proper dump.

My rule of thumb is that whatever I consume ends up in the black tank with the exception of toilet paper.  I goes in the black tank, I just don't consume it.

When the sensors give a false reading, if the tank is new and does not have sludge build up, filling it with water and dumping again usually takes care of it.

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