Cigar, anyone?

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Hi Audio 1 der and all,

Cigar smoker here too, on occasions. I limit my cigar smoking to one or two times a month. I also smoke Don Sabastan Churchills as those are fairly mild (smoke isn't as noticable and strong) and don't leave an aftertaste in my month. While there are a lot of things that are not good for you, a cigar once in a while most likely won't cause a health issue. It is repetitive habits that hurt you.

I am sympathetic to nonsmokers and try to light up while I am alone. We could smoke in the local brewery for a while. I would light up when by myself or ask if someone would mine if I lit up before hand. Where I drawl a line is when someone sits down next to me and expects me to put out the cigar. They can sit somewhere else. Some people simply want that power over you, to tell you what to do and we have become a very intolerant society these days. Live and let live is the proper way (with in reason).

We'll have to have a cigar rally sometime. Best!
    Don't forget, good Cubans are available here in Canada, but I always found them wound too tight, and preferred US Cuban Style made in Tampa, by Cuban Refugees.

Hi fperez7802,

They sell them online in a box 40 or 50 I think. Cost is less than $3 per cigar but don't let that fool you. I've had a lot of cigar smokers try one of mine and liked them a lot. Just type in Don Sebastian Churchill in a search engine.

Cubans are good but since I don't go into Mexico anymore will have to do without. Have a friend that could probably send me some.

I do notice the difference between premium Cigars at a local cigar store and the Don Seb., I've never found a cigar that I like better than the Don Seb. but that may be just me. Best to all.
Thanks, I found some on-line but it took awhile because the first few sites were sold out. It must be a good smoke. I'm waiting for my order to arrive. Let you know what I experienced later.
I don't smoke them often but love them too!

A Cohiba (which I can get up here) is the cream of the crop. Love a lot of the other Carribean hand rolled too.

Sorry for the late reply. I'm not retired yet and bogged down with work. Only 18 working days left. Anyway I tried them and they are pretty good. I like the Churchill length. I got two boxes so it will be awhile before I try something else. Oh yeah my wife likes them better too. Not to smoke but to be around.

Happy RV'ing ;D ;D
Could this be a substitute for a poor sex life?
GIB said:
Could this be a substitute for a poor sex life?

I don't know. If my sex life goes bad then we'll see. Until then I'm happy having the best of both.

Maybe I misunderstood your post and you're saying your sex life is bad and you're looking for a substitute. My advice in that case would be to work on your sex life and get it back where you want it to be, with or without cigars. Although I understand Clinton did combine the two.

bucks2 said:
Maybe I misunderstood your post and you're saying your sex life is bad and you're looking for a substitute. My advice in that case would be to work on your sex life and get it back where you want it to be, with or without cigars. Although I understand Clinton did combine the two. Ken

Obviously you missed the posters name.  GIB.  Probably not referring to sleeping habits.    :)
I'm not into cigars or any tobacco but, hey, I also don't feel I have the 'right' to tell someone else what they can/can't do to his body. If I'm offended by what you do I'll say my good-byes. I am, however, easily offended by some at the next campsite who is being verbally abusive towards a partner, and even when I'm in my own coach with the windows closed can still hear him at it, with every other word the 'f' word. In addition he was drinking ( I enjoy adult beverages myself so I'm not a prude) and his campfire was at the back of the site where we have to back in. Man, now that was a night and at a private cg. He wasn't being physically abusive towards her, just verbal, or I might have thought about making a complaint to security. When they left at the end of the weekend I was surprised to hear from our other neighbor that they'd heard it, too and were glad the guy left.

Have any of you experienced this? How did you handle it? We didn't have our kids with us but I wonder if our reaction would have been different if they had been.
hi there,

both the wife and I enjoy a good cigar. you can't beat it.  been many a time where folks have made comments in the negative.  don't care. I'm the one kissing her ;D.  other times would rather have my pipe. either way, do what you want, leave my money alone.

Looks like Don Sebastian is no longer making their cigars. Will have to find another one that is close to the same. Was on vacation the last couple of weeks and enjoyed a couple of cigars from the local cigar store. Best!
Now I have the summer time blues! Nothing better than a beer and a good smoke by the camp fire. Even though I dont smoke anymore myself.  I can agree that the smell sometimes can get too heavy but the way I look at it I am out in the camper to get out of town. In town there are bans on everything you would want to do. Cant have a fire outside etc. So when I go camping the rules go out the window. I burn all day and night and enjoy myself. If the smoke from my fire or Al's stogie bothers you then you are in the wrong place. Park your rig in your back yard and be policed.... Once again you asked... ;D
audio1der said:
I don't advocate taking up smoking and I don't consider it a healthy habit, but I do feel what it may shave off the back end of my life provides immense serenity and mental relaxation right now.  I have been an avid cigar smoker for over 10 years.  I take time, usually once or twice a week at home, to sit back and reflect on my current situation and enjoy a fine hand rolled stogie.
I never leave home without them, particulalrly when camping.  I have made several acquaintances at various camp spots in the past and am always glad to share if someone is interested as well.  I do shy away from smoking in public spots as I don't want to infringe on anyone's right to NOT smoke.
Anyone else here love to sit around the campfire, watching the stars, enjoying the company of friends and a great cigar?  Let's hear about it!

Thats is lovely, thanks for sharing Your passion and attitude. I love doing precisely that, now and then.  To have a big expansive landscape overview in front of me\ the stars and to ponder about my life or life in general.

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