Colorado Surprise

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Wendy said:
We don't have any toll roads in the southwest corner of Colorado - no freeways either  ;D. Don't hold Denver and Front Range greed against the whole state !


If they made , 141, 145 and 62 a toll road, I'd still be more than happy to pay!
I do not have any problem with toll roads. I use them quite often when traveling on them makes sense. The electronic pass roads like the one around Denver are OK for  regular users, but are not very visitor friendly. My big problem with the one at Denver is the cost, $1.25 per mile seems quite high. Florida is not cheap when towing. If you pay $10 for the motorhome, the towed car costs you $20 making the total package $30. Unhooking the car and driving separately would save $10. They set the system up to take care of truckers and use the same principles for RV towing. I usually try to avoid the toll roads when towing.

I like Colorado and from what I saw the last two trips I will probably go back, I will just stay off the toll roads.
I saw in the paper yesterday that the south end of the Florida Turnpike was going to photo license plate billing soon. From Miami to Florida City. The reason makes sense to me. Less cars having to stop and start, less cars idling at tollgates. Both a savings in energy and pollution and also saves money by not having to pay booth attendants. Convenient to me as when I go down this way, it seems there is a booth every few miles and this way I can get a bill at the end of the month and pay on-line.
E-470 in Denver went cashless about a year ago, and there is STILL confusion on how to pay.  HERE is an article from last Sunday's Denver Post about the confusion surrounding this problem, and also how you are supposed to pay while in a rental car.  :eek:
Lat Month we stopped in Kissimmee, FL for the night to see old friends and then headed to I-4 west. The easiest route there was on the W Osceola Parkway (toll) that has signs to I-4 via the Central Florida Greenway (toll).

Total mileage= 8 miles.

I'm trying to steer clear of tollways for awhile. ::)
FrontrangeRVer said:
also how you are supposed to pay while in a rental car.

I don't see why that would be a problem. The car rental places have to deal with people who get tickets from cameras (red light cameras in the USA and speed cameras in parts of Canada), so this should be nothing new.

I don't know if there are any speed cameras in the USA, but there sure are a lot of them South of Edmonton, Alberta. Or at least they have signs claiming such. We've noticed many locals speed right by such signs by well over 10 KPH (supposedly the speed they are set for to have tickets issued).

-Don- SSF, CA​

Wow Jeff, that does seem excessive. $1.00+ per mile!!!
Was the road that good and beautiful scenery
At DIA, it appears now that the Car Rental companies offer an option of a "daily fee" to cover the tolls on E-470.  I'm not sure if you don't accept this option, how you are supposed to pay the fee since the turnstyles are closed and unmanned.

$1.25/mile West of Denver is excessive, and we won't be using the toll road any longer. :eek:
When we flew into Denver in October, the car rental company forbid us to get on the tollway. They gave us printed directions on how to get to I70 West(the direction we were going).
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