Daily Budget or Bang for your Buck

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New member
Oct 26, 2012
Victoria Australia
HI Guys or G'day
Well we are in the planning stages for a  six month trip  up, down and around the Eastern US
We might cover areas from Portland Maine to  the Florida Keys and from Wisconsin to New Orleans
We are a family of 5 two adults and 3 kids school age under 12.
Can any body give us ideas on a daily budget?
We intend to use regular camp grounds and Boondocking when appropriate.
We would probably visit many of the major cities and pay entry fees to many museums and similar venues.
We are still unsure about an RV about 30' or an Suv and Travel Trailer.
Intended travel period is 2014

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and opinions
Sorry I can't estimate a daily budget for you but I can give you some money saving tips. Real boondocking spots are hard to find east of the Mississippi but you can stay at many Walmarts and casino lots if you just need a place to sleep.

We have several different passes for museums, gardens and zoos which, once the initial fee is paid ,allow us free unlimited entry into hundreds of different attractions. The links are on my blog here - http://rollinginarv-wheelchairtraveling.blogspot.com/p/saving-money-with-passes.html

Have fun planning!
Thanks Tony
Have put you in my book marks

Only thought this idea up a few days ago and now getting a bit over whelmed with all the advice on sales tax drivers licences Insurance etc etc but still plenty of time
Something I offer to refer for when someone plans on driving all over is a special case of membership camping.

Pros: You pay one fee and get a good amount of nights in campgrounds (Full hook up 30 amp) Free.

Cons: You only get those free nights in the system's campgrounds (Which may or may not be where you want to park)

IF you decide to do this please PM me for my ID number so I get credit (Thank you)

www.thousandtrails.com    The zone pass is good for 1 year, and covers 1/4 of their parks,, From time to time they run a "2 for one" sale (Gets you half the parks instead of 1/4)  Cost is about 500, it is a one year contract, no dues, automatic renewal if you do not cancel. (so cancel).

Visit the web site to see if the parks are where you want to be, If so, PM for ID. You can also get more info on the zone pass there including the terms.

Thousand Trails parks are also open to the public (Which for assorted reasons offends me) but the average cost is 35/night.  They tend to be loder campgrounds not well suited for today's BIG!!! Rigs but I fit in this one at 40 feet tip to tail (37'&" of motor home plus a cargo tray) and though I joke there is no such thing as Level in this county.. I'm parked on the one level site in this CG. (Or so it seems)

Also check the park operations schedule, I know my "Home" parks (Michigan and Indiana) are now closed for the winter.

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