December Driving in the Ozarks

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Whopper Stopper

Active member
Aug 10, 2010
Has anyone ever driven their RV (ours is 31 feet) on the driving routes in the Ozark Mountain Region in Arkansas?  I'm mostly curious about the area around Jasper and Ponca.  A brochure we received mentions "curvy drives and massive drops in elevation".  Should this concern us at all?  Any tips?

Mrs. WS
Someone has to have some tips or stories to relate about the area. My wife is scared that we are going to get stuck on some twisty road and maybe stuck there for the rest of our lives. She is almost to the point of staying home. Anyone?

I live in the area you are talking about, and yes we do have" paved roads in Arkansas". You didn't say what direction or what type of RV youy have, but I have a 27' Class and have been in that area. Yes they are one lane roads but 18 wheelers go into those towns every day. I say GO and enjoy our beautiful Ozarks. 
I went thru that area last summer , taking it slow and easy, my cat got sick from all the turning and roller coaster effects.>>>Dan
I cannot help you for most of Arkansas but here is our experience.
I have relatives in the Ozarks and over the years we have traveled to Golden, Eagle Rock, Mo, and Eureka Springs, AR with our 5th Wheel RV. (We have a Montana 39 ft). Yes the paved roads are winding and some narrow, but with care on the curves, watching for on-coming traffic, we have had not problem. I do not recommend driving in the town of Eureka Springs with a long RV but there are nice RV parks in the area, and we have stayed at parks near Eagle Rock and Branson. If you go into Eureka Springs, Park your RV in a park outside, or expect to carefully drive in traffic in narrow winding streets with tight traffic.
BUT, if ice storms are predicted, find a place and hole up for the duration.  Icy roads and RVs don't mix very well and December weather can be dicey there.  Jerry's parents lived near Fayetteville (farther west) and all the stores closed when a storm was moving in so that people could get home before it hit.  We used to watch cars slide down their hill.

Rancher Will is right, Eureka Springs (in town) is not a place to pull anything. The streets are very narrow, no parking to speak of, and traffic is awful. The highways in the area, though, are easy to navigate, there are a lot of turns, but really gorgeous scenery. Eureka Springs is a fun place, especially this time of the year.

Highway 7 is a wonder in the fall, but I think you are probably too late for that color. Might not be as fun in an RV, though, unless you like constant turns.

Just don't wander off the main hiqhways and expect to be able to manuever easily, like most places in the hill country. Remember, WalMart was born in this area, and their trucks go everywhere!

But do watch the weather. That area is notorious for nutty storms that blow in and ice everything up, and they will get some snow, as late as March (been caught twice in March snows).

Many great state parks options, too, if so inclined.

(Spoken like the native Arkansan that I am!  ;D)
You should have no problem just stay on main roads. Are you coming up from 40 or down from Harrison?The road Thur Harrison is 5 lanes with no shoulder so it seems a bit narrow. It is worth the drive to see the views you will see on the way.
Thanks for all the replies! We will be taking off early Friday AM so we can get through the Twin Cities before the jungle goes wild for rush hour. It would appear that with any luck we will beat the snow that Southern MN. And Northern IA are expecting. The Temps for our area are suppose to really dip so it will be nice to get where it is a smudge warmer.

Again thanks for the time spent replying and keep us in your thoughts for our maiden voyage!


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