dinette seat cushion foam

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2014
Full time USA
ordered new foam for the dinette seat cushions. I went with the high density foam- was told it was nicer than the standard. I will know when it comes in 2-3 weeks from now. I got them from RV and van surplus in Elkhart. 
We went with high density.  It seemed really firm at first, however it's just fine now.  We sat in a new unit with soft foam, really disliked it.


RV and van surplus in Elkhart - for the foam I had to call them direct.

CLiNTon said:
Anybody have any internet links where one can order?

I would think there would be places in Phoenix that would carry foam.  I needed foam for a project and found 5-6 places in Mpls,Mn that carried foam.  All of them offered different densities and I agree to go with a denser foam.  It sits better and will sleep better if you have a dinette that converts into a bed.
CLiNTon said:
Anybody have any internet links where one can order?
We recently redid the foam in our sofa and loveseat in the S&B.  I ordered foam from Foam Express. Great customer service and reasonable prices. Delivery was quick, too.
SMR said:
ordered new foam for the dinette seat cushions. I went with the high density foam- was told it was nicer than the standard. I will know when it comes in 2-3 weeks from now. I got them from RV and van surplus in Elkhart.

I went to a mattress store and bought a foam mattress, in fact the store sold me 2 of their seconds for $60, only used one to replace my rv sofa foam, it is high density, wish some one here in florida needed one. Foam can be expensive
Bobtop46 said:
Where is Florida?

About 90 miles north of Cuba :D

Sorry, I couldn't resist.  I'm sure you meant "Where IN Florida?"
got the cushions put in the camper today- they sure feel a lot better than the old ones did. very happy we did this.

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