Do my sofas look bad?

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Contemplating trying to spruce up our sofas.
My wife thinks they are ok, but I think she does not want me spending any more cash on the rig ;-)

Do they really look bad?



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They look wonderful as-is... especially when you think about how much beer or solar you could buy with the money you'd have to spend to re-upholster them.  ;D

Nobody has to be satisfied with them except you and her. And she already cast her vote.

Based on your messages posted here, I think your wife has a valid point about spending more cash on the rig. If you wanted all the latest whizzbangs, new upholstery, etc., maybe you should have bought a higher end model or a newer coach to begin with. Throwing bushels of money at a 12 year-old entry level rig seems to me to be a questionable strategy. Use it awhile and see what really needs to be done to make both of you happy, then either remodel or upgrade to another rig.
I hear you on that Kev, I am all about saving money for beer :)

Hi Gary,

A very valid point, I would of loved a newer rig but stuck with this one for a while :) I must stop reading blogs and forum posts whereally folk have made a silk purse out of a pigs ear ;-)

  The question is,,,DO YOU THINK THEY LOOK BAD??  No other opinion is relevant..>>>Dan (Unless they are making the payments)>>>
I think it's fine, but then again I would be happy with a decent cardboard box as a seat ;-)
We have a brand new trailer but I wanted to protect the seat/sofa material so went to Walmart and bought some queen sized quilts/throws and covered them with those. Look good and very cheap  ;D
Shoot - that's nicer than what I have in my sticks and bricks?
StephenM said:
Contemplating trying to spruce up our sofas.
My wife thinks they are ok, but I think she does not want me spending any more cash on the rig ;-)

Do they really look bad?

They look Very Comfortable.. like someone lives there.

We threw some (old) throw pillows on our Brand New Sofa/Recliners... just to take the Squeaky New look away. And a few throw rugs from our old FW floors... to do the same ?

Joe & Rose
utahclaimjumper said:
  The question is,,,DO YOU THINK THEY LOOK BAD??  No other opinion is relevant..>>>Dan (Unless they are making the payments)>>>

No, the question is...Does SHE think they look bad?  She already cast her vote, and it's the only one that really matters, as we all know.
Go buy another 12pak and relax on the sofa.
The unfortunate problem is she alway takes the more comfy sofa ;-)
I think they look just fine.  Send me the money that you were going to spend on replacing them or re-upholstering them and I'll do some mods on mine! 
Cool, I will send you on the 10$ I was going to spend on a throw ;-)
Not my cup of tea, but I wouldn't spend a boatload of money and effort to change it out. And as others have said, you and your wife are the only ones whose opinion matters on something like that.
I recently had to replace my refrigerator. When they pulled out the side window in order to make the exchange, I had them pull the sofa bed out and we threw in a recliner. Now I am much more comfortable.

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