Do you think a cat can be trained?

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I had a cat once that would do anything I told him to do.
I just had to be careful about what I told him.

I could tell him "Ignore me and go do what ever you want." and he would do it every time. He was pretty responsive if I told him "Jump on the couch and lick yourself where you shouldn't." 
Cats are adept at playing the piano.  Check out Nora at:
She also has several 'sequals' listed to the right of the screen on Youtube.
Where as I've watched the trained cats show in Las Vegas.. Plus I have my own Queen who is rather well trained in a couple of areas.. But then she has displayed true intelligence..

I think the problem is that Dogs, Mice, Rats, Gerbils, Hamsters and all other manner of lab animals tend to think one way,  Cats, another.  So when the researchers did an IQ test on the animals, cats came in dead last.

Why: Well the standard test is to see how fast they learn to run a maze,  The prize for successfully negotiating the maze is a bit of food.  Most all the lab animals in the test, That was what they wanted ... Food.

The cat knew it would get fed, and what it wanted was to be pickd up and cuddled. SO why run the stupid maze?

The cat,, outsmarted the researcher.
;D This thread is funny but oh so true. When I married I inherited a neurotic dog and a cat with an attitude. Now we have two neurotic dogs, the cat still has serious issues. She runs the joint on her terms.
I've discovered our cat's favorite treat ... cantaloupe.  Before it goes out of season I am going to try to get her to high five.  The clicker stills work but she comes running for cantaloupe.  Who would have guessed?!
Gary RV Roamer said:
Our cat doesn't bother with training. She has a staff to take care of anything she wants or needs.

So true Gary.  The old saying "Dogs have masters, Cats have staff" is painfully true.  We have two cats and one dog who prove that saying on a daily basis.
I used a clicker to train my cat to tolerate an inhaler.  She has asthma, so needs a steroid inhaler daily.  I used the clicker to signal treats after the inhaler was on her face.
Do I think, a cat can be trained.. I have two. One comes when called (The other not so much) and I've been to Las Vegas and seen the Cat Trainer and have his "how to train your cat" Video.. yes, cat's can be trained. No matter what the researchers say (Thy say cats are the least intellegent pets.. what they failed to note was that they were the pets the cat was their master).

I have seen evidence of long term memory, problem solving skills and communication..  all signs of intelligence. And high level intelligence at that.

Our cat is adopted (or maybe she adopted us?)  It's clear that her previous owners trained her that laptops, keyboards, dining room tables, and kitchen countertops are off limits.  She taught herself how to open the screens on our TT.  We still can't get over the fact that cantaloupe is her favorite treat.
Our cat is trained to go to her private restroom, turn on the light and exhaust fan as needed. Ok actually when she opens the "pet door" to her litter box area in the storage compartment, a magnet, attached to the swinging door signals a circuit to activate the light and fan for 25 minutes. All odors do go out the bottom of the RV. Often, Shadeaux the cat, will tap the door just to see the light come on..... sort of commanding "let there be light! 

Sometimes, Ruby the diva dog" and Shadeaux will race around the coach until Shadeaux ducks into her bathroom watching Ruby come to a screeching halt with a look of "I ain't sticking my nose in there!"

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