Don't buy any green bananas Mr. Prigozhin

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2022
Plano, Tx
If you've followed the events transpiring in Russia this past few days, you're aware the leader of the Wagner Mercenary Group, Prigozhin, has halted his march on Moscow and agreed to exile in Belarus, negotiated by that other thug in the region and best pal of Vladimir Putin, the leader of Belarus. Anyone interested in buying Prigozhin futures? My take on it was, better the enemy I know, especially where nuclear weapons are involved.
It is not over. Don't think that anyone who scares Putin can go live out a peaceful existence.
Not only Pregozhin who's on his way to exile, but the thousands of Wagner mercenary troops and their families. Putin is a gangster thug with nuclear weapons and this is about who's in charge. No way is he going to allow an out of control militia group to run amok in his own backyard.
If this guy got Putin to leave Moscow and crowd all flights out of Moscow then I would think he’s not that afraid of Putin. And if Pregozhin’s mercenaries are the ones fighting for Putin, who’s left there now?
If this guy got Putin to leave Moscow and crowd all flights out of Moscow then I would think he’s not that afraid of Putin. And if Pregozhin’s mercenaries are the ones fighting for Putin, who’s left there now?
I believe he had 25,000 fighters
25,000 troops are the equivalent of one large division. The Russian Ground Forces consists of ~ 360,000 troops. 3 Armies are committed to Ukraine, an Army consists of 2-4 Corps, a Corp consists of anywhere from 2-6 divisions. I'm pretty sure Putin is concerned but I doubt he's afraid. If the FSB is still under his control, Putin isn't likely going anywhere. Besides, the question is, why did Pergozhin stop 145 miles from Moscow? Keeping in mind Putin is a Mafia boss, when you stage a coup against the boss and he's left standing, you best inquire about the witness protection program. The Russians don't play. After Lenin overthrew Czar Nicholas he rounded up the ring leaders who had led the revolt on his behalf and shot them each and everyone in the back of the head. "If they can overthrow the Czar, they can overthrow me".
There is all kinds of "information" flying around about what all sides are thinking/doing. With each tidbit "talen with a grain of salt" we would have gone through truckloads of salt by now. That said, there was one story that Putin was staging tactical nukes in Belarus. I don't think that Putin is quite crazy enough to use nukes. However, he now has a rogue military leader in the same place (supposedly) as the tactical nukes. It make me wonder if the story will unfold that the rogue goes more rogue and gets his hands on nukes, uses them, but allows Putin to say "it wasn't me" but takes the opportunity to march in.

I would be happy to be proved wrong
It's been a pretty shocking roll of events over the last few days. Vlad's favorite Rottweiler turned on him, on a global stage. And his own army reportedly did nothing about it.
Anyone who thinks that there is a chance in hell of Ukraine winning this thing in the end are mistaken. Ukraine is, and has been for decades, one of the most corrupt governments in that area. If I absolutely had to pick a side to cheer for, it would be Ukraine. But I would wear gloves because a turd doesn't have a clean end.
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Anyone who thinks that there is a chance in hell of Ukraine winning this thing in the end are mistaken. Ukraine is, and has been for decades, one of the most corrupt governments in that area. If I absolutely had to pick a side to cheer for, it would be Ukraine. But I would wear gloves because a turd doesn't have a clean end.

Let us not forget Russian corruption too. Russia invaded a sovereign nation and innocent people are dying because of it. Ukraine has some support from the West. I really have no good indication of the outcome but I hope for the innocent that the war ends soon.
Russia is a kleptocracy. Putin budgeted billions of dollars into modernizing the military. Very little of it ended up doing that because of all the graft. Ukraine has had a lot of corruption which Zelensky has been trying to clean up under pressure from NATO. Thus, he has fired a lot of corrupt government and military officials.
You can't believe anything you hear in the news. You are getting ONLY the story that they want you to hear. And the story you hear all depends upon what the story teller wants you to know. The "full" truth of what is really happening may never be known.

I don't know who originally said this, but it's only too true:

History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon.
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