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ArdraF said:
Maybe we should make a list of all the women who do the driving on this forum.  ;D

Sam, Lorna, Chris, and I were among the first.


I drive our 40 ft. Bluebird Wanderlodge.

Marsha/CA said:
Sure Tom,  Be glad to teach a class.  Let's see, you pull the black water plunger first, followed by the grey water plunger.    I think there is something you need to do with the big long hose tho, Right.... ;)

Let's see. First you turn on the auxilliary air compressor and wait until there is 60 lbs air pressure on the gauge on the grey water tank in the grey water tank compartment. Making sure that the sewer hose is connected SECURELY to the sewer dump pipe, flip up the toggle switch for the black water tank. That opens the tank and lets it drain. Flip the switch down to close the tank. Do the same for the switch for the grey water tank. Go back into coach and turn off the air compressor.
Now if you want to flush out the black water tank.........well, that is another thread.  ;)  ;)

We have discussed this over the years.  Carol did drive our first 26 foot Jayco 5r.  She never drove the 36' Idletime nor the 37 ' Excel.  She has not driven the 40' MH.  Our first outing in the Beaver was difficult due to winds and poor shocks.  We will be replacing the shocks and it will be her turn at bat.  I personally found it tiring to drive this coach in the wind.  It would not have been a good time for her to learn to drive the Beaver in my estimation.  I have always had some sort of control issue when it comes to driving.  I have no control issues when it comes to dumping and doing external and internal chores.  She feels it is her part to share tasks and approaches this lifestyle as a team person.  I really appreciate her and will let her drive most of the time once she learns.  A good nap is worthwhile. 
We have a 32' class A and my wife won't drive it. She says I have to do all the driving. She is afraid to drive. She is a great copilot though. She watches the right side to make sure I don't take out any cars or people walking by. ;D
My wife did a share of the driving on our last trip, although she would generally prefer to just ride shotgun and knit while we're on the road.

I don't think I would go anywhere even vaguely remote in anything she couldn't operate.
Baxter said:
Hello Everyone,
    I don't mean any offense to anyone with this question, and I am not being sexist. All of the couples that own class A RV's that I have talked to, have the same thing in common. The women never drive it. All of the women said that they were not comfortable with it or just didn't want to. I was just wondering how many wives take their turn driving. I know that some woman must drive, but I have never met or seen any that do. I was surprised when I actually started thinking about it. I am not married so it doesn't really affect me, but I always thought it was closer to an equal split.

We have a smaller rig and DW drives as much as I do.javascript:void(0);
My DW loves to drive our 37' MH.  In fact she can get that thing going real fast, real quick.  She hasn't driven in a couple of years since injuring her wrist.  Once, if ever it heals properly, she'll be back behind the wheel, and I'll be making some more finger indentations in the arm rest.

I told her about Marsha doing the holding tanks, and suggested she learn how.  I can't post her reply to me here.  :eek:
Well I'm one of the laides who drive the motor home.  We have a 33' class A.  Jim only "allows" me to drive, when he gets tired.  Which isn't often :(  He can't sit still in the pass seat if he's not sleeping., he would rather be driving.  I really don't mind driving it.  I love the looks I get fromt he truck drivers on the road  ;D  He started me out early on, when we picked up our first RV (a 27' tt) he pulled over on the highway and said here you go...I was like WHAT??? OK no problem, I can do this LOL...


PS I've helped and watched but never dumped the tanks.  I might just have to give it a shot this summer  :-\
Jim's problem is that he doesn't have anything to do while you drive.  I have no problem with Pat driving all the time but I can and do take over if and when she wants me to do so.  I had to take over on the way home from CA a couple of weeks ago when she got ill so it works both ways, each should be able to drive.
I keep telling Jim he can read, get online, or watch a movie while I drive.......noooooooooo.......said he can't read while moving and won't touch the laptop I dint' have that problem.  I usually read or get online. Oh yeah, when I have to I pay bills or do bookwork for my shop :(  Hate working on vacation...but ya have to do what you have to do.....


Get Jim a GPS.  They are indispensable after you get one and lot's of fun to use while the other person is driving.

I just bought the new Garmin Nuvi 5000.  I am just learning it but so far it's a really "great" GPS.  Basically I chose this model because first I have owned four Garmins previously and for me Garmins are the best GPSs on the market and, second, this new one has a 5.2 inch screen.

;D  We have a Garmin, Jerry...Jim doesn't want anything to do with it...says it's my job.  LOL  So I guess I'll have to "play" and let him drive.  I have plenty to keep ME busy while he's driving :)

Been quite awhile since I posted in the forum - but ...

Driving is my "thing". My dad was an OTR driver for decades and the one thing I'm 100% I can do very well is handle a motor vehicle. When I was 12, my dad would take me to an empty parking lot during Michigan winters and have me purposely put the car in a spin-out on ice and get out of it. I'm very comfortable with anything that has an engine and that comfort, the ability not to panic, has saved my skin a few times. I'll admit to being nervous the first few hours at the wheel of a 35' MH but it went away quickly.

My wife has an unblemished driving record. I much rather would drive the car when we're in it and she actually feels that way as well. She gets nervous with me beside her. I try my level best to not be judgemental and be a good passenger but still - she gets anxious.

When it comes to a MH - there is no way she would ever want to drive it. If I dropped dead tonight, the rig would be up for sale in 48 hours. She likes it but would rather have me control everything - including sewage dumping. Me, too -

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