Early RVing

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Mar 11, 2005
Camp Verde, AZ
First photo is an example of an early motorhome. It is a Model T Ford house car, built in 1926.

The second photo is
a tent vehicle built in 1910.


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    Early Motorhome.jpg
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Another great place to see some early RV's is the Henry Ford Museum in Deerborn Michigan. I took my kids there in the distant past and they have a progression of mechanized travel vehicles which cover some older travel trailers and so forth. I was pretty impressed with the innovation back then.

There is also the RV Hall of Fame in Elkhart just off I80 that has a number of nice older RV's that can been seen in the museum.
I might mention the RV Museum in Amarillo, TX, more properly the Jack Sizemore Traveland RV Museum, located at the Jack Sizemore Traveland RV dealership. It's a wonderful place to explore, is free, and has a variety of older RVs, from early to '50s to much later.
Henry Ford used to go camping with Thomas Edison, John Burroughs, and Harvey Firestone.  Can you imagine that group??  They called themselves The Four Vagabonds, but did not travel light.  They took along servants and photographers, with several trucks and other vehicles.  Check out the photos here.   


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