Ethanol and boats - a big problem

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2006
Florida, USA
   This subject seems to have surfaced in the local news lately.

   Gasoline powered boats are forced to buy E-10 gasoline, i.e. filling up your tank at the local gas station or even at some marinas. The problems involved are severe.  Recent reports around here are that major expenses are incurred by restoring engine performance/ disasters on these boats.

   There are many entries on the web addressing this problem. Instead of picking and posting one site I suggest you google ...Ethanol boat problems... and go from there.

   FYI, I am anti-ethanol, I think it is a disastrous idea all around.

What say?

carson FL

The one thing that is never mentioned is just how much fuel is consumed to make ethonal.  IMHO we are being hood winked on the whole ethonal thing.  From what I understand use of ethonal is not nearly as green as they would want one to believe.
IMHO we are being hood winked on the whole ethonal thing.  From what I understand use of ethonal is not nearly as green as they would want one to believe.


It's funny that you should say that.  Just this morning I was reading an article on precisely that subject, e.g. what a crock the whole ethanol situation is.  It's a terrible solution to our energy problems, especially because valuable corn is being used for it instead of being used for food products the world needs.  Not to mention how much it's costing us to produce the darned stuff.

When is someone with a backbone going to stand up and say "HOLD IT". It's absurd to continue.

carson FL 65.5F

Do you suppose it is possible somebody or somebodies in Washington is getting a big kickback by backing ethonal??? ??? ??? ???
Just so you know I'm not keen on Ethonal either.. The major reason is that every body is touting it as a "Green" fuel, meaning it's not gasoline, however when you do the analysis for every gallon of oil saved by burning EtOh instead of gasoline,  You use more than a gallon of oil growing the plant material and distilling the EtOh so it makes a NEGATIVE imrpovement over all.

Yet another example of the inmates running the asylum I believe

And now you tell me there are problems with it in some engines.. Nice
The biggest early problem with marine engines and ethanol was the disintegrating effect it had on the fuel lines.  It was a fire hazard and the lines had to be changed to an alcohol resistant material.
    Ned, they ran into a similar problem here in Halifax a couple of years ago when they decided to use bio-diesel made from fish oil to fuel the city busses.  It was ok for the new ones, but any that had any amount of miles on them had all of their rubber seals eaten away.
    I agree that it makes no sense to use food/feed to make alcohol when there is so much by product that could be used, and at much less cost in energy. 
Rather than wasting fuel and food to make Ethonal a more logical approach to fuel conservation would be to promote using algae into fuel as discussed HERE.

Carson - Now there's a concept!  Don't believe anyone in Washington has a clue what it is!  But, nevertheless, AMEN!

ArdraF said:
Carson - Now there's a concept!  Don't believe anyone in Washington has a clue what it is!  But, nevertheless, AMEN!

That is not the point, Adra.  The point is that corn ethanol is a subsidy program for corn farmers.  It forces oil companies to use the stuff in their gasolines creating a huge market for corn.  Actually ethanol can be produced more cheaply from sugar cane and more enviromenatally from native North American switch grass. 

Ethanol is yet another goodie for the queens of American welfare, corporate farmers.  Ever wonder why Iowa has the first primary in the nation.  That way all presidential candidates have to swear loyalty to things like ethanol and price supports. 

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