Ever have difficulty moving back into the right hand lane?

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2018
Molalla, Oregon
The video below is from our local (Oregon) news site.  One of the first things I had to learn is how to properly check my mirrors before moving back into the right hand lane.  I only had difficulty once with an inpatient driver who tried to weave past me on the right after I passed a big rig.  Thankfully we are usually in the middle of nowhere and don't deal with heavy traffic.


The truck driver was wrong for what he did, but I can see why he did it.  Looks like the car zoomed up along the right side of the truck, and was just hanging out there.
mypursuit said:
You have the passing side (left) and the suicide (right).

Unless you're in FL. The majority of them use the left (passing lane) as a travel lane and never pull into the driving lane after passing
Rene T said:
Unless you're in FL. The majority of them use the left (passing lane) as a travel lane and never pull into the driving lane after passing

Except in South Florida where they are all going 90 weaving in and out of all three lanes

Jack L
In a past life I drove trucks for a while and so much of it also applies to driving an RV. Especially the slow, steady, (trying to) have lots of patience part, and checking mirrors many times per minute. Even then, stuff can still happen. Murphy (of Murphy's law) is always somewhere, gotta find him. He's often doing stupid things like pacing the RV in a blind spot, in a small car, or following 1' off the rear bumper.

A lot of passenger RV mirrors afford spectacular views of awning equipment more than they do of adjacent lanes, even when properly adjusted.
Going to take the truckers side on this one, not saying he is right just taking his side for the sake of argument...the car pulled in front of him so close I bet he was hidden under the front of the truck and if he was fully loaded the bump into that small a car would hardly be felt. He should have stopped but maybe didn't even realize he had struck him. He was making an attempt to get back into the right lane...should have done a better check of his mirrors.
I think it is illegal in MD to pass on the right.  I?m not saying anything is done about it.  We see this kind of idiocy,Er,I mean,impatience all the time.  It looks like he kind of hung out next to the truck,to me.  Blind spots,people!  That said,hit and run is NEVER cool.

A lot of people complain the ?slow? drivers are dangerous.  Slow being 15 mph over the speed limit.  I think going significantly faster than the majority is at least as dangerous.  ?He came out of nowhere?.

If you like to go fast,sign up at your local track.  You are going to get there,if you?re lucky,two minutes before me.

And by ?you?, I just mean anonymous driver.
Pugapooh said:
A lot of people complain the ?slow? drivers are dangerous.  Slow being 15 mph over the speed limit.  I think going significantly faster than the majority is at least as dangerous.  ?He came out of nowhere?.

My favorite was the idiot who dialed 9-1-1 to complain that the Michigan State Trooper driving exactly the speed limit was going to cause an accident driving that slow.. Passed him on the the Sgt. I do not think the caller was happy.

Hindsight being 2020..  We could have charged him with non-emergency call to 9-1-1 and really made his day :)
Pugapooh said:
That said,hit and run is NEVER cool.

The trucker put his right hand directional on to pull into the driving lane so he probably never saw the car on the right.  The car was going pretty fast. One second the right was clear for the trucker to pull into the driving lane  and the next second, the car was right there. Maybe the trucker was looking out his drivers side mirror at the time. Also, after the car spun out, you can see the brake lights on the truck come on so I think he probably stopped.
Wow - that was scary. Both drivers were doing stuff wrong

1 - My dad taught me when you are passing you floor it until you are past and back in your lane - don't linger in the blind spot
2 - If you can't see a semi-driver's mirrors, or his face in those mirrors he can't see you - when in doubt assume he can't see you

3 - Semi drivers more and more linger in the left lane and it's rude and causes situations like this.

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