Feeling jipped

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2010
Well took the TT to the dealer Friday for some warranty work. We bought it at the end of august at a good price. Was able to go on one trip and had a 2ND planned but bad storms prevented it.
We live in north Texas and the weather here is to say the least unpredictable. Doesn't get real cold but can change on a dime. With the holidays coming i just don't see a good date for another trip before next spring. I guess it's time to winterize and park it.
The feeling jipped part comes from the payment I'm making and no use.

Guess i could go out to storage roll out the slides and stay the weekend (joke) or maybe not. Do most feel this way! :-\

We used to live in New Hampshire and felt the same way.  Even though the payments still were due monthly, most campsites opened in mid-May and closed on Columbus Day. 5 months' use for 12 months' payments....  AAARRRGGGHH!!

One reason that we were willing to go back to camping here in Southern California is that we can use the rig year-round.
I love winter camping, but don't have enough experience to know when i might freeze something and cause damage. I guess if your willing to keep a lot of the pink stuff on hand and a little work i could swing it. Hopefully i will feel a little better next spring when i get a little trailer working experience i won't be so afraid I'm going to ruin something and just might try some winter camping.
Time is also a factor for us. We both still work fulltime and 2 weeks of vacation a year is not a lot. We are also trying to plan long weekends but life sometimes gets in the way.
Gary, i think the wife is doing just that. I just hate seeing something sit and not being used. I guess it's like owning a boat or snowmobile in the off season. On the bright side it makes next season's anticipation a little more exciting.

I will be going out to the storage and doing maintenance and such so that might help a little. I guess a newbie like me is not experiencing anything that most of you vets haven't unless your a full timer and they probably wish for stationary residents on occasion as well.
Just the same for a motorcycle.  Unfortunately, a lot of us just don't live in the right area where we can use our toys 12 months of the year.  I blame my parents for staying in this country with horrible climate.  My dad was a truck driver... were there no trucking jobs in Florida/Texas/Louisiana/Arozona in the 1960's?
I think all RVes feel bad when the rig is setting unused.  However the anticipation of the next time out keeps us going.  You can always find a reason to go check on it or something.
Well, I guess it beats living in it full time and still feeling gypped. Maybe just doubly enjoy the times you do have in it, said Mr. The Glass Is Half Full.  :)
Why not head on down to Padre Island National Seashore? The weather is usually great down there at this time of year.
I feel similarly. Got the RV, took some trips, economy soured so I had to work more and couldn't get time off sooooooooo......lots fewer trips and the RV sat a lot more. Whine Whine Whine. We'll get some trips in soon though. The motorcycle is used for commuting more often than not so I don't feel bad about it at all.
We live in Fort Worth and have been RVing for about 10 yrs all year 'round and have never "winterized". We go anytime we get the oportunity. We don't keep fresh water in the tank after Thanksgiving.
We live in Central Florida and we plan on purchasing a class c in the near future but then I'm afriad that all the RV resorts will be full of people enjoying the Florida weather and I will not be able to find a spot to enjoy my RV.
Buy Power Ball tickets.  I read where the odds of winning are something like 1:650,000,000.  I have never heard of anybody winning that didn't buy a ticket.  This is my last chance.............. no rich relatives left.
I recommend enjoying the RV when you can use it and whenever you make that monthly payment, think about the good times you've had and the good times still to come. And if you miss it, go down to the storage lot with a nice dinner and sit there enjoying the meal and pretending that you're parked on the beach.

San Clemente State Beach
Just a little old-fashioned thinking....

Feeling (jipped-sic)  gypped means that you have been cheated or taken advantage of.

Guess whom you can blame?  Seems to me you made the decision to buy. Would you buy a boat in the areas where the lakes are frozen 6 months a year?

  I'll vote for the folks who recommended starting small...cash purchases only. Work your way up and never finance a single car, truck, RV purchase.  I have done that for 60 years...it works well.

Carson FL  56.8?

Carson said:
Would you buy a boat in the areas where the lakes are frozen 6 months a year?

Ask that of the many tens of thousands of boaters on the Great Lakes and the thousands of inland lakes in MN, WI, MI, etc.
We do the same Carson, that's why we bought used so we could pay for it.  A new one would be nice but I hate payments on anything.
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