Finding WiFi hot spots

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Jan 13, 2005
Found this by accident, although it may not be news to others .....

While viewing a map of e.g. a city on Yahoo maps, click on Travel And Transportation on the right of the screen, then select WiFi Hot Spots. An icon appears at each hot spot location and, if you put the cursor over an icon, it gives you the exact location.
Works in Google maps too.  Do a local search on wifi hotspots in the city of your choice.
Google maps has some interesting features, but the WiFi Hot Spots search showed a flaw  :-\

It put the Starbucks at Grand and Bell in Surprise AZ 5 miles west of it's true location  :eek:

The satelite images can be older than you expect, as well. The Happy Trails map photo is a couple of years old and shows my lot as it was before I put the full qwning over it. The Albertson grocery store just to the east is shown still in the land clearing phaze of construction.

Tom said:
While viewing a map of e.g. a city on Yahoo maps, click on Travel And Transportation on the right of the screen, then select WiFi Hot Spots. An icon appears at each hot spot location and, if you put the cursor over an icon, it gives you the exact location.

When doing my My Yahoo page, I searched for "Hotspots". From there, I placed the CA deal on my My Yahoo page. Here is one of the sites that popped up to locate sites in CA cities. There are others for other states.
The photos on Google maps can be up to 5 years old or more.  They're a collection of satellite and arial photos and not all parts of the world are updated regularly.  I was impressed that the last section of HT was shown with all streets. 

Ron said:
That could be a usefull link if we find ourselves needing a wifi connection.? Thanks for posting that.

To find another state, change the state name in the URL or pick a state from the drop down list box about in the center of the page (tho it reads Region vs. State).

Tom said:
Thanks for the link Bob.

You're welcome.

BTW, I appreciate that you always either post the name of who you are responding to in a salutation or in the first line of your posts. If that is left out, it is sometimes hard to tell who a person is responding to - especially on an active thread.
Just used the listed above.  Very easy to use and I now have 17 free wifi hot spots in my area on a spreedsheet.
Thanks for feedback Len. BTW I recently resurrected a file from our old library that might be useful for some folks. Just click on the Library buton above, select What newcomers need to know and click About wireless networking.

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