Fixin' Oldies

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
We used to call them seagulls.

"Land-Squawk-Crap-Fly Away"
We had a guy in my company in Boot Camp named Ng - pronounced just how it's spelled. This poor dude couldn't do anything right. One day, our Company Commander, a Chief Petty Officer, said, "Eng, you're just a seagull. You know what a seagull is, Eng? A seagull is a bird that don't do nothin' but eat, sh-t, and bother people."
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I think the problem with posting in the wrong forums is that everyone who comes here is ancient and can barely operate a cell phone. GenX and Z don't have that problem.
Quite a statement. Pretty much meritless as well IMO. And many GenWhatevers aren't nearly as tech savvy as a whole when it comes to the larger universe of technology.
I would like to get a new forum started called "FIXIN' OLDIES". It would be just like the "FIBERGLASS RV FORUM" but for old aluminum side trailers.....
This "Fiberglass RV Forum" of which you speak....I am certainly no expert, but on initial examination I don't see a whole lot of difference in the subjects they cover. Any idea why they feel they need a completely different forum? Or just more folks with NIH problems?
And why limit "Fixin Oldies" to aluminum stuff? Aren't their problems about the same as all the rest? (Just asking)
For you misguided youngsters that think us geriatrics don't have clue about technology, let me remind you. We grew up without cell phones, computers, TV's, GPS, digital watches, etc, SO WE INVENTED THEM! :)

Quite a statement. Pretty much meritless as well IMO. And many GenWhatevers aren't nearly as tech savvy as a whole when it comes to the larger universe of technology.

OK guys... All ya gotta do is increase the gain on the humor detector...

It was a barb, a joke and a little stereotypical irony... 🙄🙄🙄
OK guys... All ya gotta do is increase the gain on the humor detector...

It was a barb, a joke and a little stereotypical irony... 🙄🙄🙄
And sometimes a little stereotyping goes a long way, the wrong way. About 10 years ago I taught a Computing 101 seniors course to a group of mostly women ranging in age from their early 70's to the mid-90's. Each student was given an older desktop PC with no operating system installed along with a CD of PCLINUXOS, a very Windows like OS that runs nicely on older gear. The class learned all the steps needed to do a clean install on their own PC. Then they learned to do the basics, surfing, email, documents, pictures, etc. A couple of months ago, I was please to receive an email from one of my former students telling me how much she was still enjoying using the PC and had done many updates over the years with no problems. She ended the message by inviting my wife and I to her 100th birthday party in December. That's what many seniors are capable of even without the lifetime of technology that I've been exposed to and participated in. Stereotyping us as technologically inept will always be wrong, just like stereotyping the younger generations as spoiled entitled brats would be wrong. Do some fit the stereotype? Of course... but painting us all with the same broad brush is also just wrong. Getting off my soap box now... ;)
Tom Jones & I have probably debated this a dozen times over the many years and experimented several times. No matter how logical a separate sub-forum (aka "board") sounds or how well its purpose is explained, people post all over the place, often without rhyme or reason. For example, we get technical questions posted on the Account Info board, For Sale ads in General Discussion, and so on. The more specific a sub-forum is, the less likely it seems to succeed. Sometimes we think that we should have just one forum/board and let each member sort out what titles they want to read. :unsure:
The Airforums for Airstream folks is a classic example of way, way, overdoing the sub-forums. Follow the link and you will see how many forums there are and how many dozens of sub forums there are. Here is an example.......................

Airstream Trailer Forums (155 Viewing)
Threads: 16,737, Posts: 267,504

Now, you cannot tell me that these trailers are so much different as to warrant their own forums. I would think that six or eight, no more than ten, to cover vintages (pre Beatrice Foods, Beatrice Foods era, Post Beatrice Foods), various sizes or oddities (such as the Squarestream or the Argosy) would be a gracious aplenty. The blue dots indicate recent activity. I had to eliminate the gray dots next to the remainder (no activity) as our forum software will not allow me to post more than 20 images and those dots are images!

The Airforums has a total of 29 MAJOR forums, with (if I counted correctly) 128 sub forums scattered between them. A Moderators nightmare.

- The "grab and run" folks of any age who post a question, grab an answer(s) and don't have any interest in participating. They often don't have sufficient interest to figure out if there's even a "most appropriate place" to post their question; It's something of an entitlement mentality; "I have a question and you need to figure out what/where it is, and give me a response; I also won't bother to acknowledge your answer/help"
This board is lucky in the number of people who return to tell us what a final fix was to a problem, or resolution to an issue. Way more than other forums.

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Over the years I've learned that many owners mentally label their RV by some salient feature or characteristic and want to lump all discussions under that familiar (to them) tag. Whether unique to that type of not. And they want to see a forum/board/list with that label on it.
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