For Bird Lovers - A link to Redding's Eagle Cam

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Tom and Margi

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Cal Trans installed a camera to monitor two eagles who were very persistent in returning to a nest near Highway 44 in Redding, CA to raise their young.  Cal Trans originally blocked their access to the nest with a large traffic cone because of noisy road construction nearby.  The eagles were relentless and Cal Trans eventually removed the cone.  This is the third year the eagles have returned to this nest.  This year they successfully hatched three eggs.  All three hatchlings are thriving and are increasingly visible on camera.

That is neat.  I think the Bald Eagle is a beautifull bird and I always enjoy seeing them.  Sam and I have seen several this year hear at and around Sam's Camp.
They are neat to watch.  Somebody remind me to take a ride over to the one on a farm when we get to Torrey.  That one has had eagles coming back to it for about 25 or more years now! :eek:  The farmer and the Game Wardens keep an eye on them.

Here's another live cam currently watching  mom eagle and 3 hatchlings in Virginia.  Steve & Lynette
Steve and Lynette -

Wow!  Such close-up shots!  I've bookmarked the site so I can spend more time looking at it.  Whoever thought we would be lucky enough to see inside an eagle's nest.  I understand three eaglets surviving is rare, as the weaker hatchling often gets injured in the frantic competition for food.  It's nice to know three are thriving on on both the east and west coasts. 

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