Fred's Mew M/H

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Jim Johnson

Well-known member
Mar 4, 2005
Newton, AL
Well, he finally did it!  I tried to tell him he would not have room for 3 computers but he would not listen.


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LOL Jim, is that the new Dutch Star, or did Fred & Daisy go further upscale?  ;D
Jim Johnson said:
Well, he finally did it!? I tried to tell him he would not have room for 3 computers but he would not listen.

Looks to me like they forgot to install the power plant.  Oh maybe the power plant is out of view getting fuel. ;D
Daisy and I will be enjoying the new motorhome [as pictured by Jim Johnson at the beginning of the thread] this time next year.  Having
Goodyear tires put on and looking for larger water buckets.  Expect to get good fuel mileage and will use the horse droppings for campfire fuel.


Sounds like you found a renewable energy source  :)
While on our way to Traverse City we spotted the fine looking motorhome shown in the attached photo.  Some real qualities there and even room for expansion.  Why this iis maybe compatable to Freds New motorhome posted earlier by Jim.


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That qualifies as a classic Ron. Thanks for sharing.
That "Dog Patch" motorhome is missing the outhouse.  Should be a wooden one, with the quarter moon on the door, sitting on the back.  Saw one in Brenda one day that was not so bad as that one but did have the outhouse.

fredethomas said:
That "Dog Patch" motorhome is missing the outhouse.? ?Should be a wooden one, with the quarter moon on the door, sitting on the back.? Saw one in Brenda one day that was not so bad as that one but did have the outhouse.

This one has more opportunities for expansion leaving more room for originality. ;D

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