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Oct 7, 2012
Hi I was wondering if anyone knows good places to get a used or new fridge/freezer for a 1993 Aljo Skyline model 2975. It has an electric in it now but we would like one that works with propane or whatever they usually use?
I read about a salvage yard for old RVs in Indiana area, but dont have any details.  Hope this can point you in the right direction.
Click the Resources button above and scroll down to RV Parts and Salvage.
Both Dometic and Norcold make RV absorption fridges, which can operate on either propane or electric.  And they both have a replacement guide that gives the dimensions of the current models and what models they could replace.
Thank you so so much. We are so new to trailers, we never had them growing up, figured its a lot like a house boat so we have some knowledge of that, my parents just bought a trailer not even 9 months ago. So we really appreciate all the help. Looking at the site now will show to hubby!
Tom said:
Click the Resources button above and scroll down to RV Parts and Salvage.

I've been a member of this forum for almost two years and didn't know that existed.  :-[  Most likely because I never moved my cursor over the highlighted text. 

[quote author=garyb1st]I've been a member of this forum for almost two years and didn't know that existed.[/quote]

Interesting Gary, we obviously haven't done a good job of letting folks know about all the resources we have here. OTOH this one has been mentioned in numerous messages.
Tom said:
Interesting Gary, we obviously haven't done a good job of letting folks know about all the resources we have here. OTOH this one has been mentioned in numerous messages.

Quite the contrary.  You guys have done and continue to do an outstanding job.  More likely my ADHD and CRS. 
Gary RV Roamer said:
At one time did we not have the SEARCH, LIBRARY and RESOURCES buttons highlighted somewhat? Or in Bold print, at least?

I know I'm not color blind so I can't claim that as an excuse.  However, I have been known to be somewhat impatient.  My guess is that after clicking the other headings, most of which brings up a fair amount of info in black ink, this page seemed incomplete.  Yes, the red print should have been a clue.  Let's chalk it up to a lack of morning java. 
At one time did we not have the SEARCH, LIBRARY and RESOURCES buttons highlighted somewhat? Or in Bold print, at least?

IIRC it was only the Search button, and it was red. Since we moved to the current branch of the forum software, the "buttons" are no longer images; They're created/styled using css. In the spirit of my 'no mods' policy (to avoid having  things break when software updates come along), I won't be creating a custom css file for one button.

I receive emails or PMs on just about every button here .... "I can't see a xxx button" , including New Topic, Reply, Quote, Report, Save/Post, etc; I could make them all red and bold, but that wouldn't change anything  ;)

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