Generator question

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Red House

New member
Nov 25, 2009
We're new to the RV world and heading down the interstate right now.  We have a 1996 Holiday Rambler Endeavor and were wondering if you could answer what is probably a pretty simple question:

When you're driving down the interstate do you need to have the generator on for interior power?
If you have an inverter, that will power some of the 110VAC outlets and appliances, but not heavy loads like air conditioning.
Typically not.  Unless you need more than dash air conditioning, there isn't much you would need that requires 110.  The micro would if you like to make popcorn while you are moving.
All of your interior lights, the water pump, the furnace fan and exhaust fans run on 12 volts.   They'll work from the coach batteries and the coach batteries will be charged by the engine alternator while you go down the road.

The refrigerator will run on propane.

You can turn on the generator while going down the road if you want to use the house air conditioner (the dash air runs off of the main engine) or the microwave.   The TV and VCR/DVD player also require 120 volts, but on most rigs they're interlocked so they won't come on if the ignition switch is on.   It's a legal issue - the TV can't be on while you're driving if it's within sight of the driver.
My TV can be turned on while I'm driving and I could watch it,if I chose.We've only done that a coupla times so my wife could watch Days and I certainly didn't want to watch that.
If that was the front TV, then it's illegal. Either someone defeated the ignition interlock (which would disable the TV), or it wasn't installed correctly.

If it was the rear TV, no issue.
Tom,I have 2 receptacles in the overhead,one is hot all the time,one only when the key is off,so the tv should be plugged into the one thats off?Could you tell me where I could find the law or odinance pertaining to the illegality of a watchable tv in the front while driving?I'd like to see what it says.Appreciate your expertise.
Try using the Search button above for prior discussions on the legality. I don't recall if they contain specific references or links, but there are reports of folks being ticketed.
It's my understanding that if the TV is viewable to the driver, than it is illegal to have on while driving.  Our TV was plugged into an outlet that turned off then the ignition key (12 volt power source) was turned on.   I moved the plug to a different non-switched outlet so that my family can watch TV if so desired while in motion.   :)  I would have to craine my neck to see the screen while I am driving.....
Could you tell me where I could find the law or ordnance pertaining to the illegality of a watchable tv in the front while driving?I'd like to see what it says.

It's in the federal DOT safety regulations that apply to all vehicles manufactured in the US. It is also in most, but not all, state laws, so applies even if you do it yourself. Here  is a site with a summary of state laws on tvs, cell phones and such in vehicles,
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