Getting install help - dealer vs at campground?

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2015
I've been reading a few books and watching a few videos where they mention upgrade / installs and say something like "you can have an rv mechanic do this at your campsite".

So that made me wonder...  (please keep in mind I am not going to be doing these myself - so not looking for the DIY solution)

Is it generally more cost effective to get upgrades / installs done at a dealer?  At a Camping World?  Or asking the campground who the rv tech is and having them come out.  Pros / Cons / Things to be aware of?

I always get my repairs done at a campsite. The reason is because it is easy to keep an eye on them when they do the work, you won't get charged for six hours when the job only took three hours, and when they figure out they need a part that has to be ordered your RV won't be sitting at a dealership for two months.
Thanks SeilerBird - all great points. What are some of the things that must be done at a dealer?  I'm not sure how much can be done by folks coming to the site.
What Tom said is good but as I  recall Tom can't move his RV so campsite assistance is what he needs.  I have found that the service charges for a campsite visit can get to be ridiculous and if the unit cannot be fixed fairly easily in one trip, you may wind up paying for several service calls.  But he makes a good point about how many hours you are being charged for at a dealer and how long they keep the coach.  It will also pretty much depend  on what the problem is and if it is an easy fix.  Not much help but just some things to think about.

That is my plan from now on if I can't fix it myself. Dealer visits will take months as I did not buy there.

Upgrades can be done by a mobile service. and most cases will be way cheaper.
Ugh - so many "gotchas"...  Campgrounds not letting you work on stuff would be a problem...

I always wondered about "dealer service" when you are traveling.  I mean, you could be on the opposite side of the country from where you purchased your RV originally - so who do you get to service? 
If you rig has a Ford chassis, and you need engine or chassis work, go to Ford. If you need "house" work (furnace, stove, fridge, electrical,and so forth, go to an RV repair shop,,hopefully not Camping world)..>>>>Dan
utahclaimjumper said:
If you rig has a Ford chassis, and you need engine or chassis work, go to Ford. If you need "house" work (furnace, stove, fridge, electrical,and so forth, go to an RV repair shop,,hopefully not Camping world)..>>>>Dan

Ignore the Camping World dig.  There are some bad ones and many good ones but the satisfied customers are still the silent majority.  I have never had a bad experience at my local CW but that doesn't say I never will.  Some local RV repair shops can also hose you down.  One I used to use bills for two men for every job regardless of the problem.  Multiply $120k per hour x 2 and it gets pricey but only for the one time I let them do that.
My experience is that mobile RV services generally provide more timely service and charge lower prices than any RV dealer or store. Plus you get to talk directly to the person doing the work and to verify the results right on the spot. All very solid "pros" in favor of mobile Rv techs.
Bill N said:
Ignore the Camping World dig.  There are some bad ones and many good ones but the satisfied customers are still the silent majority.

I wouldn't say "ignore"; at least be aware. CW is a massive chain, and with that comes less oversight. I've had multiple bad experiences with CW including front wheel seals which had to be redone by another shop, completely miswired toad setup which took them five hours to fix, a misinstalled Fantastic Fan which they had to remove and reinstall, poor (loose) riveting which later snapped, anti-lock brake sensor which had to be reinstalled, etc etc. Not on the list is a washer install because I had someone else do it since CW wanted three times as much for the labor. To their credit they backed everything, but one should be able to trust and rely on the work being performed. Perhaps just a bad location, but I definitely use CW only as a last resort based on my experience.
Gary RVer Emeritus said:
My experience is that mobile RV services generally provide more timely service and charge lower prices than any RV dealer or store. Plus you get to talk directly to the person doing the work and to verify the results right on the spot. All very solid "pros" in favor of mobile Rv techs.

I just had significant genset maintenance done in my driveway, including replacement of a bearing, no way I could have done the work myself. Tech did a great job, and as SeilerBird states, I could watch him the whole time. Added benefit was he was happy to answer questions while he worked. His hourly rate wasn't a steal, and he did charge a dispatch fee, but I am very satisfied with the work and it was certainly convenient.
Barbara, there are two other things that might help.  When you check in at a campground most of them give you a map of the place and other information on that brochure will be the campground rules.  Read those rules to find out what is allowed with respect to RV repairs, RV washing, etc.  Also, many campgrounds have a bulletin board on which vendors can place their cards or ads.  You might find a mobile repair person there and, if not, just ask at the desk if there's anyone they recommend.  Some campgrounds don't allow any work on RVs and others are lenient, so you just have to check.

I have had good results with mobile techs. They know what they're doing and they aren't paying rent on a shop.
ChasA said:
I have had good results with mobile techs. They know what they're doing and they aren't paying rent on a shop.

Actually all 3 of the mobile techs I have used have come from an established shop which offers in-house service as well as road service.

i have used but one Mobile Tech.. She was recommended by fellow campers and is independent. She is the BOSS.. FIrst job she did for me was one she'd not done before so I caught her reading the instructions... OH, she did a 1st class job no complaints.

I've "Worked with" others, attached to a Service center,,, But never employed them. Again no conmplaints.

I've also done a few repair jobs.. But on those rare occasions I give the ultimate in money back guarantees (IT's free)

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