Golf Clubs and courses

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked
Getting ready to purchase a new set of golf clubs.? This is a two part question.

Part one - I have not golfed in 30 years.? Used to play a lot with scores in the low to mid 80s.? Cannot hit the ball nearly as far as I did 30 years ago after hitting a few at a driving range.

I visited a very nice young golf pro, and while he could have steered me into some very expensive clubs, instead he recommended the Adams clubs for seniors.? They have them on sale at $345 for the irons, list is in the $400.? The club faces are very fat compared to my set of 30 years ago, and a graphite shaft. The pro tells me the fat head makes them very forgiving, and the graphite shaft is more appropriate for my slower olde farte swing speed.
any golfers out there who can verify what the pro is telling me and can verify this is a decent price and a good manufacturer?? I use to play Northwesterns and Wilson Staffs and never heard of Adams.? remember I have been out of touch with gold for 30 years.

Also, where is the best place in AZ for inexpensive golf?? Many golfers there in the winter time?? Should I be biased towards Phoenix, Tucson, Mesa, Yuma, or other places for senior golfing?

It must be exciting for a golfer to buy new clubs. I don't play golf, but I imagine it being like buying a new fly rod for a fisherman like myself. Golfing has to be an ideal hobby for a fulltimer who likes the game.

For whatever reason, neither Chris nor I have had any interest in golfing. In fact, when I was working I used to hate the "executive retreats" that involved a day or two of golf mid week. I'd be sitting there twiddling my thumbs for two days. I couldn't say too much because the boss had been an avid golfer all his life, but I finally convinced him to do the golf thing at the beginning or end of the week and I'd just not turn up on those days. I've even been known me to go boating on those days  ;D

But, in some respects, I envied the guys because they were able to participate in a group sport/activity. One thing I learned on a recent motorhome trip with a golfing friend is that you don't need to bring along three golfing friends to make a foursome. When we were staying at Kah-Nee-Ta resort he merely went along to the pro shop, signed up for golf and they put him with some other players. OTOH they were strangers to him and he did make the comment "They were kinda strange people; Didn't talk to me through the whole game". I wondered if that was because they felt that he'd been imposed on them.
They have them on sale at $345 for the irons, list is in the $400.

Wow for that amount one could just about buy that Digital camera like Jerry's, or a new fly rod and gear, an electric trolling motor.  ;D :D :eek: Guess I'm just not into golf and never have been even though I tried a few times in my much younger days.
Ron said:
Wow for that amount one could just about buy that Digital camera like Jerry's, or a new fly rod and gear, an electric trolling motor. ;D :D :eek: Guess I'm just not into golf and never have been even though I tried a few times in my much younger days.


You could use them to chase off your visitors. :D
We enjoy our visitors and wouldn't consider running them off. Its Shirley that gets upset at the four legged visitors in her garden.

      Adams clubs are reasonably good as are most produced today.  I recently purchased my new woods from Wal-Mart and they hit very well.  Have no idea about their irons.  I have a set of Ping knock-offs that I like.  Like you, I can't hit it as far as I used to, but being straight is more important.

      There are a lot of discount (uh huh) golf outlets.  You can probably find whatever price range you are looking for.  Get in practice and we can play at Quartzsite.


I'm not a golfer so really can't comment on cheap courses.  That said we have friends that stay where the golfing fees are part of the park costs.  Not sure where they stay either as they are summer friends!!  BG

Inexpensive golf in Arizone is an oxymoron  :D, especially in the winter season. Adams are good clubs but you to save a few bucks look for used clubs. Many golf shops and pro shops will have them plus check eBay. Golfers are notorious for changing clubs...anything to improve the game. Also. some smaller golf shops make knockoff sets at lower prices than name brands. Take your time and check it out. Go to a place that will let you hit the clubs.
Oops, I forgot to mention the Golf Card. Check it out at I used it on my travels and have saved enough on green fees to pay for the card...kinda like Passport America. :D
Aye Tom, it is a lot of fun buying a new set after 30 years.  Once I got into the pro shop on Monday I was astonished at how the technology has changed.  They took me into a back room and had me hitting balls into a net.  A computer tracked my club speed, angle of approach, elevation, etc and was able to show what kind of shots I was hitting.  No question, the graphite shafts were best at my age.

At that point I shot myself in the foot.  I made the mistake of asking to compare the Callaways to the Adams.  I fell in love with the Callaways, which were three times the cost of the Adams.  They did not have senior shafts in stock, so I have to wait till Friday to pick them up.  I decided to give up the Cummins engine analyzer in order to pay for the Callaways.  The Admiral was a bit miffed when she drove by to pick me up and learned about the Callaways.  Heheh.  For some reason when I explained I would be much less likely to throw the more expensive clubs in the lake after a bad round, she failed to appreciate my logic. 

Other changes in technology? they now have rangefinders that interface with the internet, download the course you are playing, and give you complete range finding details. To the green, to the pin, to the sand traps, to your mother?s house almost.  They are illegal to use in tourneys but ok for casual play.  I believe I am going to settle for a simper laser range finder, but have to wait for budget approval from fleet staff.

They even have telescoping ball retrievers that reach out over a ball in water and snap down on it to bring it up.  That will likely see more use from my bag than any clubs.  :D

As for hitching up with a threesome, I used to do that all the time 30 years ago.  I would hoof off to the local public course by myself and get hitched.  It was in some ways easier than rounding up a foursome and then scheduling a tee time.  You could usually go right off with a threesome without a long wait.  The neat thing was meeting new golfers and learning new ideas and tips.


I bought my first freshwater fly rod in 30 years (at Kabelas in SD) just before arriving at your place.  Have two sal****er fly rods including my favorite Sage, but don?t expect to get much sal****er action in my new life.  I am looking forward to some freshwater trout action.

Ron D: 

Straight is what I will be focusing on!  Gone are the old days when being macho and outdistancing my friends was the big deal.  I remember an old guy I used to play with who hit short.  It felt good to constantly outdrive him, but when we settled up on the 18th, the winnings always went into his pocket.  He just plugged down the middle of the fairway and had a super short game around the green.  I want to try to model myself after that olde farte. 

Jim (or anyone):

I sure would like to get a list of RV parks that include golf in the monthly fee.


Thanks for the tip on the  since Arizona will be the only place I will be playing golf (fishing rest of year) do you believe it will help me in that state?

In closing, I am musing on whether or not The Admiral will agree to ditch the ironing board to pay for the added weight of the Callaways? 

Nah.  Better not approach her with that idea. :eek:

I suspect you'll get more use and pleasure out of the clubs than the engine analyzer.

I saw that Ron M (aka Ron from Big D) threw down the gauntlet, so you'd better get some practice in before QZ. He takes his game kinda seriously  ;D
I decided to give up the Cummins engine analyzer in order to pay for the Callaways.

Personally I think the Engine analyzer would have had better chance of approval by the Admiral.  You know if you have any kind of problem with the coach even so minor she is going to mention that you should have an engine analyzer. ;D  Just wait till she sees exactly how much room is required to store those clubs,  why you may just be in for a full size ironing coming on board at the next WM stop/ :D :D
>In closing, I am musing on whether or not The Admiral will agree to ditch the ironing board to pay for the added weight of the Callaways<

Does the term "keelhauling" ring any bells? ::)
LOL Bob!  I sure don'twant to be keelhauled!  ;D

Jeff, I am way over our bidget for the year.  Will have to begin working on a way to bring it back in line.  Last two days though sure enjoyed hitting balls at Big Mountain Golf course on their driving range.

Still wondering if anyone can recommend places in AZ that include golf.
Still wondering if anyone can recommend places in AZ that include golf.


I played Scottsdale CC in Mar04 while on business. Green fees, cart, rental clubs lunch: $120.00 8) 8)
Smoky said:
Guess most of the time I will be at the driving range.  :(

Sure am surprised there are no winter packages there.

Winter packages in AZ (and FL) mean that greens fees are raised 200-300% above rates for the rest of the year.  :(

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