Great roads for a class A

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Running Late

Jun 6, 2007
Naples, FL
Planning a trip from FL to ID (and maybe to CA) and back (a loop) over 6-week period in July  & August. Want to use safe, scenic, class A-suitable routes where it's pretty and interstates where it's flat (plaions to Denver). Is there a library of such roads? Wondering about US 40 from o/s Denver to Salt Lake City; okay? Roads around Telluride, CO? To-die-for spas for women? Thanks for the comments and help.
Can't speak for the east as I only go there when absolutely necessary....but in the West get a Western Mountain directory..., get off the interstates, stay off Forrest service roads & drive the 2 lane roads as much as possible & you will see beautiful scenery everywhere.

If you could go to ONLY one area in the West, I would suggest southern Utah, every bend in the road brings another visual delight.

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I would suggest southern Utah

I would have to disagree with Terry.  If you go to southern Utah you will find out that 6-8 weeks is not long enough and you will not get any further.    ;) It is the most spectacular place you can imagine.  I read an internet post and someone suggested they make Utah a National Park.
I think Jim just agreed with, not disagreed with, Terry? And I've got to agree that southern Utah is absolutely incredible. I've lived in the area for 17 years and still have so much to see that I'll never see it all.....but I'm sure trying.

As for roads around're talking about mountain roads, most 2 lanes, lots of windy stretches. But very, very scenic. We've done the road through Telluride in SUV, VW camper van, 24 foot Class C, 29 foot Class A and seen other much larger Class As on the road. It's ok so long as you take it slow and are prepared for some ups and downs and twists and turns. And let the idiots who want to go 60 mph pass you by.

Cortez Colorado
Jim just agreed with


Yes, in a round-about way.  Last year we were working our way to the NW and never got out of Utah.  That was the danger i was pointing out.  This year we at least made it as far as Idaho, so far at least.

I can understand that. We just spent 3 weeks in New Mexico and never got out of the NE part of the state. And we had so much still to see that we didn't want to go home.

Will you be in Oregon in August?

Will you be in Oregon in August

No, if I can make the plan work, I want to go to Oshkosh EAA Aviation Show the end of July.  Then we will head for home to get ready for a fall trip.

If you get to the EAA in Oshkosh come and see us in Milwaukee and we can show both of you around since there are some really great things to see here.

I had intended on contacting you and get some suggestions.  One is whether to stay at Camp Scholler or to stay off the airport in a commercial campground.
Jim Johnson said:
No, if I can make the plan work, I want to go to Oshkosh EAA Aviation Show the end of July.  Then we will head for home to get ready for a fall trip.


  Are you a pilot?  Although I've been a pilot for 35 years, I've never made it out to Oshkosh.  Many of my friends have.  If you run into a group from the San Francisco Bay area, please say "hello" from me.  I believe that a pilot/controller by the name of Denny Cunningham used to be active on this forum.  I don't know why I haven't seen any messages from him since I joined.  I believe that Denny a fulltiming it now.

Irv Siegel
Dennis gave up the full time life a number of years ago (before our move to the internet) to tend to family matters.  He hasn't been around since.  Yes, he was an ATC and did get to work at Oskosh.

Ned tells me that if you are a member of EAA you could make a reservation to boondock on the grounds but to stay at a campground in the area you will have to make reservations now if you can still get a reservation.  I am not familiar with what kind of RV parking is available because the only time that I have been there is when we stopped there several years ago to tour the museum.  Maybe Ned can give you more info.  Hope that you will be able to attend.  One of these years we may go there during that week.

I suspect you won't find a private campsite anywhere near Oshkosh for that week, they're reserved a year or more in advance.  I think Camp Scholler is your best bet.  You do need to be an EAA member but can join right there.  You can get more info at this web page.  Camp Scholler is no reservation.
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