
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Oct 6, 2016
Hi any and everyone. We are David & Tracey and just starting the conversation about retirement and RV's.
Our real ideal deal would be to own a piece of land in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, or Utah and be snowbirds.
We live in Florida and wouldn't mind missing a good part of the summer.
More than likely this will be the direction of most of our posts.
Hello David and welcome to THE RV FORUM.

Your situation is a bit different than what we usually see.  There are many posts where people living up north purchase RVs to snowbird in the winter.  Regardless, RVing can be one heck of a lot of fun and you can meet a lot of great people on the road.

RVs can be tinker toys, but if you are handy with tools you can do most of it yourself.  Our library is chocked full of reference materials and forum members enjoy answering questions a handing out advice, when you ask.

I would encourage you to participate in our discussions too.  It is a good way to make some new RV buds.

Welcome aboard.
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