Grumpy old people

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New member
Dec 26, 2012
I don't mean to hurt anyones feelings, but some parks seem to have a larger number of grumpy old people than others.  We are under 60 and retired and we are fulltimers.  Seems that so many parks have lots of stupid petty rules and if they are broken the "tattle tales" are out in force.  Even if no one is affected by the infraction, the complainers call FOUL loud and clear.  They even complain before a rule is broken.  My question is... has anyone found a park, not necessarily age restricted, that doesn't RULE you to death and doesn't reward the complainers/whiners with strict enforcement?
filosifur said:
My question is... has anyone found a park, not necessarily age restricted, that doesn't RULE you to death and doesn't reward the complainers/whiners with strict enforcement?
I have yet to visit a park that will not react to a complaint. It sounds like you are looking for a park where you can break rules and no one will complain. If you find one like that there will be so many people breaking the rules that you will be complaining all the time. I love parks that have rules and people who enforce the rules otherwise you have total chaos.
I enjoy a park with rules. They are made to keep us safe and the park clean as well as secure.......Other wise it would be like camping out in down town New York City......
sounds like you would be much happier boon docking with nobody within a couple of miles or maybe a dispersed sight like slab city at the salton sea
This grumpy old guy tends to agree with the original poster.  ;)  We enjoy parks where campers behave and respect the rights of others, but have found that many campgrounds that have a long, long list of rules usually have aggressive enforcers!  :)  We usually note those "****" campgrounds and do not return.

Now this is going to come out negative to you but oh well, you didn't even say what the problem rules were! What kind of rules are you to special to follow?
There are plenty of grumpy old people out there; their actual age notwithstanding.  Seems they have nothing better to do than complain, and when they run out of things to complain about, they complain about other grumpy old people.  There are choices:  they could either stay home where things are perfect or find themselves a plot of ground in the middle of nowhere and complain about themselves. 

When we were doing the campground thing, i could see both sides of the fence clearly.  The rules are necessary.  No doubt.  Common courtesy is of the utmost importance so everyone can enjoy their stay.  There are however, those campers who mean no harm and may not realize they are upsetting their neighbors.  Along those same lines, there are those who don't give a darn.  That's why the rules are necessary. 

Then there are those CG's that have the seasonal residents who have taken on the position of being the CG Police.  And they take that position a little too serious.  Some CG's have their own enforcement patrols.  We got blackballed from a CG once in northern MI for sitting around the campfire a little too long.  Only about 6 of us adults (all the kids in bed) having a nice quiet conversation and relaxing.  We were very conscious of not disturbing any of the our neighbors.  No complants from them.  Nothing was said by anyone and we all went in to hit the hay by 11:30 PM.

The next day was the day to move on.  Also the day we found out we were blackballed upon checkout.  When inquiring to what the heck we did that was so terrible to get us banned, he said we were up almost 30 minutes past curfew and fires out.  OOPS!  An oversight and I explained that we made sure we were all quiet as church mice.  Made no difference.  Apparently, "Ranger Rick" was patrolling the park and spotted us.  No complants were made.  But, we broke the rules and we were all never to come back.  REALLY?  There is more to the story but would make the post way too long.

A lot has been said on park etiquette.  Search it in the forum.  Some parks are fine with normal activity, some aren't and are a lot stricter.  Some parks are for fun, some are like little concentration camps.  Some campers like little concentration camps, some don't.  There are a whole bunch of CG's in the middle.  You just have to do the research or find them on your own.  It's a crap shoot.  The number of rules, how they are enforced, how those rules are displayed, etc., are all part of the game.
Our problems have been focused on campgrounds that have rules but do not enforce them.  Sounds  like there are plenty that do and I'm not sure which is worse.  But a CG that will not help campers when their neighbors are obviously misbehaving and breaking common sense rules (dogs howling all hours and excessive noise well after quiet time) is clearly frustrating.  I hate to be keeping the normal etiquette rules and nobody else seems to be.
Get out of the private park rut.  Instead visit state and federal parks and enjoy the time
Find resorts that dont have park models in them, thats where all the Geezers live, try Lazy days resort in Tucson, its all RV`s.
We have been fulltiming for two and half years and have seen the game played both ways: over enforcement and under enforcement. Etiquette and common sense seem to be lacking in places beyond campgrounds, and I can witness to that from my law enforcement background.

Frankly, I prefer a little more control to a little less, and the longer your stay in a park, the more you notice the knuckleheads. Where we have been watched most closely is in places that have a lot of longer term residents. I am not sure I have found age the factor so much as some people just like to mind your business and have nothing more to do.

The nicest thing about this lifestyle, though, is you can roll your house down the street if you don't like the neighbors or neighborhood.  8)

And you never did tell us which rule got under your skin! (and we all have 'em).
I've noticed that the "rules" list at many parks keeps getting longer and longer. When I read them I get a bit grumpy myself, especially over the picayune ones, but then I remember that every one of those rules probably had some calamity behind it.  Some dang fool grossly abused a privilege and now we all have to pay a price. Having worked in campgrounds myself for several summers, I've seen the meatheads do all sorts of atrocious things and then get belligerent when the management tries to rein them in a bit.  And these days you have to have a clearly stated and consistently enforced policy or somebody will sue your socks off.

I should mention that at age 68 I probably qualify as one of those "old people". I will readily admit that my tolerance for BS has gone way down!  ::)
Goofy rules...
No walking the dog down these three streets. Even if u pick up the poo, no dogs.Not a hard one for me to adhere to, but just an example of people who obviously don't play well with others.
No beverages in the pool hall.  Hell, it's a pool hall. Not even allowed our cups with ice. We don't do alcohol.
Must carry flashlight when walking after dark.
We r currently park hosts. When a newcomer had backed into his site the park model resident behind his place came out to say, "you better be quiet in the morning because my bedroom is right here" He must have said it three times. One example of complaining before there's been a problem. Not the way to welcome a new paying customer.
State parks, county parks, and limited number of long term residents,  probably a good choice for us. Good point about packing up if the situation warrents, too. We'll probably check out that Tucson park, too. Thx
I've been putting up with the grumpy old folks for years now, just patiently waiting my turn. Now when I get close you tell me I can't do it? No way! I waited my turn, I paid my dues, I've got rights!

I personally dislike the campgrounds! A few in Lake Havasu City AZ.....the people stay in their campers and are packed in like a bunch of sardines. We were at a very nice campground in Benson, AZ absolutely beautiful!! But after about 3 days it began to feel like we were living in a small city. The rules were not uncalled for or over the top...... it is more my personal preference. Put me out in the middle of the desert!! There get to many people out in the middle of the desert and some poor fool starts making up rules! :)
Recently in a state park one young couple had 3 large dogs that they seemed to enjoy hearing them bark, very annoying to me. Another young couple once had several kids that ran wild and loud also very annoying. My point, its not just the old geezers.

PS. I didn't complain, just enjoyed my stay and thought its only for a couple of days.
Just remember the #1 cool thing about an RV "If you don't like your neighbors, Move on."  This is not meant in a negative way, It's wonderful option.

Barking dogs and noisy kids just means I survived another night on the 3rd rock.
Geezer status for 3 years now. All is good except that dang colon hose trick..
To each their own, I guess.

I don't mind rules.  I usually get a chance to see them before I sign up to stay there and wouldn't stay there if I didn't like them.  If I agree to them, I appreciate if they are enforced.  In fact, I expect them to be enforced.  If there are rules, there must be reasons behind why they are there.  People don't just pull rules out of their behinds for fun.

As for the old coot whose bedroom is right where someone set up camp, I'd be sure to point out the "quiet time" rules and the fact that, if I want to be outside at any time other than quiet time, I certainly can and probably will be, with no guarantees on noise level.

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