Guns, I know a beat to death topic

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kjansen said:
I don't know why any one would answer that poll.  Everyone would then know who has guns and who doesn't. 

How would anyone know who answered a poll. Their names aren't available.  :eek:  Unless you give your name and location in your profile. Most people don't.
unfortunately with all the drug users now days.... campgrounds are place most likely for the druggies to live in or near, with the unpredictable violent behavior they can have it's necessary to have a gun to protect your self and family.

if you have to shoot one, shoot to kill so the police report only records your side of the story and make sure you put a disposable weapon near the body just to make it a clean kill report.
TonyDtorch said:
unfortunately with all the drug users now days.... campgrounds are place most likely for the druggies to live in or near, with the unpredictable violent behavior they can have it's necessary to have a gun to protect your self and family.

if you have to shoot one, shoot to kill so the police report only records your side of the story and make sure you put a disposable weapon near the body just to make it a clean kill report.

Perhaps, if you should ever shoot and kill someone, you may have wished you never posted this.

TonyDtorch said:
unfortunately with all the drug users now days.... campgrounds are place most likely for the druggies to live in or near, with the unpredictable violent behavior they can have it's necessary to have a gun to protect your self and family.

if you have to shoot one, shoot to kill so the police report only records your side of the story and make sure you put a disposable weapon near the body just to make it a clean kill report.
Okay, here we go...if a "disposable weapon" is needed to "make it a clean kill report" then why would you feel it necessary to kill?
While I was in the military and worked in Security we had to take a lethal force course. The FBI Agent that taught us the class told us unequivocally that if any f us had to use lethal force to never, never, never alter the scene. Once you're caught in that lie it is downhill from there.
I've locked this topic.  Everything discussed here has been gone over ad nauseum previously and this topic is headed down the slippery slope.  Better to end it now before tempers flare.
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