Harvest Hosts

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
May 24, 2019
Woulds love to hear from anyone who has had experience with this organization.

Good? Blah? Worthwhile or not?

Thank you so much in advance.
Use the Search button above, insert the search term "Harvest Hosts" (woth quotes), and you'll find prior discussions on this subject.
Thank you so much! I've already spent a ton of hours reading all the wonderful information on the site and am so pleased to have joined this community. Search it is!

We were members of Harvest Hosts for a couple of years. Didn't use it very much, but some of our friends use it a lot. You pay a yearly fee for access to their data base of wineries, farms and others I can't remember. Usually you get a free night of camping and you're expected to buy something from the host. You don't have to it's just a suggestion. ;) While traveling through NY we decided to stay a night at a local winery. After parking and setting up we went in to taste the wine. Two hours and $80 later we went back to our coach with a lighter pocket and wondering if we can afford to stay at anymore of these free places. The wine tasting wasn't free, but it also wasn't expensive. Then they had a high school band playing, so we had dinner and had more wine, then we liked the wine so much we bought several bottles. :)
Before joining look at the map on their website which shows locations and decide if it matches on with your travel plans, although if it is still only $40 if you get a couple of nights it is worth it. We only used ours one night.
Thank you for the input Jackie and Gene. This is all new to me, and I'm trying to absorb as much as possible asap!
Our first Harvest Hosts stay was at a winery in Wisconsin. That free night cost us $230. But we were in a beautiful setting, met nice people, enjoyed the wine, and brought a case home.

This was our most expensive stop. Have use HH sites 5 times in two years and have always been pleased.

That said we were on the fence about renewing this month it just seemed a hassle to plan ahead for the stop to coincide with our travels. And it just seemed like the $40 memberships were adding up.

Decision was made when the auto-renew that I forgot I authorized kicked in.

The new owners are adding hosts at a faster rate than the founders.

Desertattitude said:
Thank you for the input Jackie and Gene. This is all new to me, and I'm trying to absorb as much as possible asap!
You are very welcome, it's what we are here for.
2 of our 5 HH stops were not wineries. One an aviation museum near DeKalb IL and the other a goat farm in Colorado. Both excellent stops.

2 of our 5 HH stops were not wineries. One an aviation museum near DeKalb IL and the other a goat farm in Colorado. Both excellent stops.


So? Did you buy a goat?

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