Hello from Boston

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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New member
Feb 10, 2021
Hi there - I am new here and am a first time RV-er.My family and I have rented an RV and are planning our first trip for the last week in June.  We live in Boston and are planning a trip somewhere in New England but haven't decided where yet!  It feels fun but a teeny bit overwhelming to figure out !
We have three kids ( 14,12,6 ) and a dog.  We are bringing the dog with us.  We will not be towing a car.  We love the oceanside but have already done Acadia.  I'm going to be using this board to research the best place to stay and to get ALL the tips for traveling with kids, with a dog and without a car!
Thanks in advance for your advice :) I'm sure I'll be back with questions!

Hello!  I'm sure you will get a lot of great tips here. 

When we first purchased we learned quickly to use RV trip planning software to figure out where we wanted to stay and how long to drive each day.  We use RVTripWizard and I think there are several others that people like.  In our area there is a significant difference in campgrounds - so reading reviews was very helpful.  In our area the desirable campgrounds are in demand so reservations are needed. 

We also quickly learned to limit our driving to under 4 hours a day. 

For our first year we relied on a checklist to make sure we didn't leave something important behind, that we followed all of the setup steps at the campground, etc.

I am still learning about what to carry in the RV in terms of tools, fluids (i.e. anti-freeze) and spare parts (i.e. fuses).

I hope this helps and hope you enjoy the RVing as much as we do!
You are going to have a blast!!

There are many articles in the Library that will help you out.  If you don't find what you're looking for then just ask. 
This is a great forum and many will jump in to help you.

Welcome aboard! You live in a beautiful part of the country.

I have two suggestions....

1. Find out exactly where you are going to go and make reservations NOW.  Everybody and his brother are going camping this spring and summer.

2. Arrive at your campground at least one hour before dark.  You really don't want to be parking and setting up in the dark. 
      The last week of June will have cool water along the ocean and depending on weather possible in the lakes.  However, hiking or canoeing would be ieal.  White Mountain National Park would offer each of those, and are within close proximity.  You could find nice campgrounds near the Park, then can head east through Maine, or west through the Green Mountains of Vermont, lots of quaint towns to see and tourist in.
      Google the areas if you are interested and you will find a lot of information.

Welcome from another ?Bostonian ?. Ok, we are out by Westford & I495 ?

We have a plan for our ?new to us? 5th wheel trailer for May - August at 3 different campgrounds with reservations already. The white mountains area has many camping areas. Note that the Laconia Bike week is in June and everywhere around lake Winnipesaukee gets booked solid for that ?10 day? week.

Any question at all is welcome. It is good to start a new topic for each question to reduce confusion.

If you know, put the details of your family and the rental RV in the signature in your profile. That will reduce the number of times people need to ask.

What sort of camping are you looking for? As an example, around Conway are campgrounds on the Sacco river with beaches. Up near Jackson you are near Mount Washington and Wildcat and Story Land.

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