hello from sacramento

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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family of 5

New member
Sep 24, 2010
hello I live in sacramento california i have a wonderful wife 3 boys 5 7 8 and 3 chow chow dogs, this is the first forum I've ever joined ive been looking through some of the threads and it looks like a lot of knowledge. We had a TT for about 6 years and it never sat for more than a month about a year ago we sold it and bought a 1989 golfstream ultra class c 22ft its a great unit the 460 engine runs like a champ, we plan on remodeling the inside this fall and am going to be  looking for advice and post before and after pictures. well thats all for now happy camping!
What a GREAT project!!!  I hope you'll post pictures.

I'm new here, too - but I agree with you...there is a TON of good info!
Hey, welcome to the forum!  We lived in Granite Bay for 25 years until we sold the house last Sept and began full timing.  We're currently in SW Minnesota.

I'm sure you'll love your restoration project and feel free to post any questions you like and updates and pictures of your progress.

Best of luck...

Thanks for the welcome Rick we live in Orangevale so we were practically neighbors. I haven't started the project yet but when I do I will do my best at getting pics posted.
Hi neighbor...I am new here also.  Citrus Heights and Orangevale were what I considered my home areas.  Graduate of Bella Vista (long ago  ;D ).  Now reside in Elk Grove!  Lots and lots of good stuff on this forum!
This is kind of like old home week...I too graduated from Bella Vista "1965" and live in Roseville. Have only been on the forum for about a week, but have already had so much help. It has been great. Welcome to the forum FO5.

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