Hey guys , getting back in to ..

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Big Mark

May 16, 2024
NJ / Florida
Hey there I'm Mark. I'm gonna be getting back into a camper. Use to have a sweet 76 , 21ft Santa Fea got stolen I think it was my useless 7 month marriage I had when I was young with a not so perfect woman, she tried to denied it but she was caught trying to steel my boat and if you can believe it many years later I was called about the new truck I had that I wasn't making payments on I'll let ya guess who forged all my stuff to get it. Lol , boy she hurt my feelin. So anyway I'm looking to get another had a bad accident 20 years ago messed me up. Was a single dad at the time couldn't work at my job I was a painter and a paper hanger made great money, 4000 a month, 4000 more with my weekend jobs and free drinks, I was a bouncer. Had alot of toys. They said no more work so I went back to work after 3 years of surgery ( still get them though ) but I figured I'd drive a fork lift after 3 years of that I had a fall at work and messed my back up more. Oh my back is broke , fractured, displayed vertabris, herniated disks if you heard about it I've got it from my C5 ti my tail bone and a reconstructed right arm. But I did die twice they said so I survived to raise my son and have chronic pain think from my son too, no his a good kid well not a kid anymore. But I did go back to work after they said no drove a fork lift for 3 years then fell at work and we'll my back didn't like it. Left Texas came back to NJ my girlfriend then wanted to see family and been stuck here was going back but my one knee went had to have surgery then after 3 months they said it had to be replaced I was trying to wait longer that's why I didn't do either after the accident I heard they just last 10-15 years well I got stuck in a wheel chair for 3 years cause of covid took forever to get doctors and surgery. Finally back to walking like a penguin then outside the apartment the railing broke I took a big fall and now it's wheel chair, walker, cane, can't win. But I'm going back to these steroid shots I was getting before covid I think they'll work. But the chronic pain will be forever. I did get some relief, didn't solve it at all but those fentynal 100 patches let me enjoy some life. But wait , the government had to stop them , to cancer people to my buddy died in pain cause he couldn't get his. But thanks to people using them wrong the rest of us have to pay even if your x-rays and MRIs look like a smashed window we make their problem our problem. Now the rent is nuts I've lost all I had except for corn and tomatoes and some Jersey shores this excpesive state has broke me so I'm getting another Travel Trailer to live in. I'm not big on it But my Aunt ( a year or so younger ) wants me to move near her and her husband in Beverley Hills Florida. Sounds good we get along she's lonely for family we grew up together in Philly, my grandmother practically raised me , man could see cook. Only use to like Jersey for when we had our couple houses in Cape May but it's all changed here , looking at old pictures is more worth it. When I came back from Texas holy smoke my insurance went nuts and I've got a perfect record. But I've seen alot of nice , cheap Tralers. Just what I need cause I'm broke. It's funny having it all and I did, I bought my condo when I graduated high school worked since I was ten maybe younger but was always doing ot. My pop had a body shop my grandfather had a custom Mac shop , everyone had a business back then in my family , money was flowing , lol. But life goes on. But it's back to the RV. Well sorry for venting or sounding like a boo-hoo, it is what it is rite. But I'm here to hopefully learn what I forgot and learn what is new .. nice to meet y'all and Have A Happy.
Read entire statement. Know what you went through. My lowest 6 discs are fused, had 3 knee surgeries, and just had my 3 rotator cuff surgery last October. Thought the second was good enough back in 07. But instead of arthroscopic surgery, opened me up to 12 stitches. Sucks getting old. You just have to keep going forward the best you can. Hope it works out for you getting the RV to live in. You’re on the best RV forum on the net. Allot of experts here to answer your questions. Welcome to the forum.
Read entire statement. Know what you went through. My lowest 6 discs are fused, had 3 knee surgeries, and just had my 3 rotator cuff surgery last October. Thought the second was good enough back in 07. But instead of arthroscopic surgery, opened me up to 12 stitches. Sucks getting old. You just have to keep going forward the best you can. Hope it works out for you getting the RV to live in. You’re on the best RV forum on the net. Allot of experts here to answer your questions. Welcome to the forum.
Thank you Bear, ya I've had some biggies and still hitting surgery. I'm hoping that these steroid shots in my lower back will get me walking again. Well I can walk but the lower back pain, wow it's just out there. Liked it better with my fentynal 100 made me move able a bit better. But of course others have to ruin it for others.
My buddy had a neck surgery and a faulty broke off he was paralyzed on his couch till his wife got home from the store. Only good thing was the TV controller was in his hand. My pop and uncle told me to stay away from any back surgery it only feels worse. I'm learning the forums rite now but I'm here ya ever want to share stories.
Well, I advise anyone contemplating back surgery is only as a last resort. Once you start, it never stops. Battled my back issues until I stepped out of the shower and kissed the floor. Couldn’t walk. Crawled to the car as I didn’t want to ride in an ambulance to the hospital. Unfortunately, steroid shots and pain killers only kick that can down the road until you have no other choice. The MRI will tell the tale. I got a second opinion to insure what the 1st orthopedic doctor said was the same. Oh well, life goes on. Just have to deal with it.
That's exactly what I say , life goes on. I went through opinions checking them, physical Therapy, didn't touch any pain stuff until like I said I went back to work after they said I was done I wasn't hearing it, had to do a different job cause my body wasn't the same but I took a fall at work rite on a blue pallet rite on the corner it just jammed my back bad that was it. But after a year I needed something unfortunately. I was given 4 hydrocodone a day and the fentynal 100, now the hydrocodone I really didn't touch only if I needed bad and that was maybe 10x a year but the fentynal 1 patch is 3 days the first 2 you feel not healed but functional ya know the last day was just an easy day I guess you'd say. But they told me the amount of surgeries I'd need just on my back they'd do 1 or 2 and after Therapy be back to scrape the scar tissue and back to Therapy again and never get to the others. And 1 surgery I would spend about 2,3 months on my belly. They did 4 surgeries to my right arm I said no to the last and it kills me now but the surgeon said it would get worse but I wanted it cause my arm was stuck in front of my belly from all the breakage. But it is what it is.
Thank you Bear, ya I've had some biggies and still hitting surgery. I'm hoping that these steroid shots in my lower back will get me walking again. Well I can walk but the lower back pain, wow it's just out there. Liked it better with my fentynal 100 made me move able a bit better. But of course others have to ruin it for others.
My buddy had a neck surgery and a faulty broke off he was paralyzed on his couch till his wife got home from the store. Only good thing was the TV controller was in his hand. My pop and uncle told me to stay away from any back surgery it only feels worse. I'm learning the forums rite now but I'm here ya ever want to share stories.
The bad news is I'm paralyzed, the good news is there's a Gunsmoke marathon on Grit.
I'm in the thinking of back surgery (once I got some other stuff dealt with) and will clearly have some serious "Chats" with the doctor about risks. benefits and odds of additional surgury.

Just finished with the cataract fiasco (The first one went no problem some years back but the Ophthalmologist forgot to tell me something this time (Something that changed she should have told me about) Resulting in yet another doctor being needed (Higher price/grade) (Not a problem for me The state pays the higher price I pay the co-pay) She also wanted to do another procedure by the Optimist questioned it so I checked with another Ophthalmologist who aggreged with teh Optimist "Not yet" I like the new guy. Closer to home as well (Side benefit).

I do believe in 2nd opinion... Or one **** Of a lot of research (I do both)
Big Mark,

Welcome to RV Forums!

We are from the Sunshine State, on Florida's
west coast.

We are H.L. and Jan, the campervan is Greta.

Remember, all Outdoor adventures begin and end with a road trip, drive safely with your family cargo!
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