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Sep 24, 2016
North Carolina
Hi!  I ran across this forum while googling some questions about our 2003 Pace Arrow 37A and found it very informative so I decided to join!    We purchased our motor home this time last year and have been on one short vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC.    Sort of a trial run as it was only a few hours from home.  We wanted to test everything out and are glad we did!  As with all things RVing (or so we've heard!) there is always something to tinker with or fix!  Good thing my husband is pretty handy, but there were some things that were outside of his wheelhouse.  So....she's been in the shop for the last 6 weeks getting all fixed up and ready for our trip to FL at the beginning of November.  Hopefully this outing will be less of a learning curve!  ;)

We live just outside Charlotte, NC.  My family consists of my husband, 11 yo son and 3 dogs.  After just one trip, I am completely hooked and love the RV lifestyle!  :D
Hi Victoria... welcome to the RVForum! Yeah, the RV lifestyle, be it full-time or part time, is easy to get hooked on. There's just something about having the freedom to go almost anywhere, with all your individual creature comforts, that makes RVing so attractive. It's not for everyone, but for those of us who know it is, it's hard to beat. The Pace Arrow is one of those iconic brands that have been around forever. I'm quite sure that if you need any help with anything, there will be a lot of folks here who will be happy to help. Welcome aboard!

Hi Victoria, we just started our travels this year and love it! The best thing I did was to check in here regularly and read the posts even though I didn't know what they meant at the time. You pick up lots of knowledge and it makes you ask questions of your own. I learned a great deal from the people on here who are pretty fantastic. Welcome and enjoy your travels  ;D
Thanks Jackiemac!  I'm trying to soak up all the knowledge on here!  Everyone is so nice and inviting.  Enjoy your travels as well!  ;D
Hi and welcome. We suggest you take it out for another weekend before driving all the way to Florida. Besides verifying that all of the work was completed satisfactorily, you will be practicing your set up and tear down routines.
Hi and thanks!  That's probably an excellent idea, Dream Chasers!  We don't head to FL until the 1st week of November, so hopefully we can get away for a short weekend prior to test everything out.  And to establish more of a routine.  We were really just winging it last time!    :)
Lots of South Carolina state parks in your range for another weekend trip.If you love the RV lifestyle, then go out as much as you can! This will also give you a chance to "furnish" the RV with all the useful items you wish you had... after you set up camp. Keep a wish list going in the RV so you know what to buy.

Most folks find it useful to furnish the RV rather than load and unload household items each time, though I have a friend who refuses to buy a thing for their RV and spends all day, sometimes two,  loading up her RV for a trip and another two-three days unloading it on return. Then complains that RVing is too much work!

I've been full-timing in my little old RV for only six years... still deciding if I like it or not... will let you know next year.

A new twist on maintenance and repairs...

My friend calls it going to the "University of YouTube".

You can find tons of RV repair information there, some of it actually useful!

The manuals also supply a ton of useful information... more or less. But reading the manuals has saved me many repair bills.

Thank you DearMissMermaid!  I have a few SC parks on my trip planner already!  So many places to see! 

I have to admit, I love a good instructional You Tube video!  ;D

Oh, the shopping!  I went crazy buying items when we purchased the RV and then after we went on our first outing I went crazy again with all the neat items we saw on other people's sites at the campground.  Needless to say, I might actually need a bigger RV to accommodate all my "stuff"!  :-X

We have some friends that decided to go full time last year.  By the looks of their FB page, they're having the time of their lives! 

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Happy travels!  :)
Take a look at the Library and review the Checklists. "Winging It" probably isn't the best way to go. We developed our own list based several that are listed here. Many tales in this forum of experienced longtime RVers that didn't follow their checklist and wound up with an expensive repair bill. Things like forgeting to put down antenae to not retracting the awning and everything in between.
Fudge said:
Thanks Jackiemac!  I'm trying to soak up all the knowledge on here!  Everyone is so nice and inviting.  Enjoy your travels as well!  ;D

Thanks it's fabulous!
Dream Chasers - I actually got an app for my phone that has a pretty extensive checklist for our next outing.  I totally agree - winging it is not the best option!  We had a couple mishaps in that trip alone!  I'm headed to the library now to review the checklists here so I can add items to the app!  Perhaps our next outing we won't look like such newbies!
Hi Victoria,

What checklist app did you find? Are you still using that, or what have you found to be the most useful?

Hope you're really enjoying your coach!


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