High speed wireless price cuts

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Jan 13, 2005
Yahoo reported that Verizon has reduced the price of its high speed wireless service from $79.99/month to $59.99/month. The report also says that Sprint will follow by cutting its high speed wireless price. Since Verizon's service is considerably faster than t-mobile, I might be tempted to switch providers.

Has anyone verified the speeds that Verizon claims?
Tom:  Verizon's high speed wireless has extremely limited coverage, I thought.  Big cities or something.  In the Phoenix valley - well in the Mesa area - Verizon's coverage is terrible.  Three bars at best and lots of disconnects.  Then, again, I'm speaking of cellphone connection, so maybe they do better with the high speed wireless. 

I'm going to be in Apache Junction this winter.  I wonder if the coverage will be better or worse. 

The plan that was reduced in price is the 24/7 National Access data plan, which is regular cell data service (called National Access by Verizon).  It exists wherever Verizon itself (not a "network partner") provides cell service.  You are no doubt thinking of the much faster Verizon wireless broadband, which is currently available in only 42 cities and several large airports.

We've discussed the performance of Verizon National Access here several times and nothing has changed.  It has a rated burst speed of 144 kbps and typically delivers somewhere in the 50-70 range, a little better than a landline.  However, it can get really slow if a lot of data users are on the same cell. A single cell can handle multiple data calls simutaneously but begins to slow down when more than a few get online.  If there are dozens at once, as might happen at a big rally, it can slow to a crawl.

The 3 megabit wireless broadband service remains $79.95/month for 24/7 access. Users I have heard from say it delivers about 700-800 kilobits in actual use.  Verion says the broadband is available in 42 cities plus some airports (list is on the Verizon Wireless web site, as is a coverage map).
Thanks Gary. I don't necessarily remember the details of all discussions.
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