How Do I Clean the Carpet Type ceiling in MH?

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May 18, 2016
The ceiling in our MH is not filthy it just has a few areas that may need some elbow grease. Since it is a used MH that has been stored, we would like to clean the ceiling a little. Would a good vacumming and then a rub down with a diluted Windex or other cleaner on a damp cloth be OK? it is the "carpet/fabric" type ceiling material.
It does a great job on water stains,, spray on,, let soak for about a minute or two and using a white micro fiber cloth,, massage the area dry.>>>Dan.( you can repeat the process many times with no down side) ( It will also remove blood and other difficult stains)
Can we find the guy who decided carpeting on the ceiling was a good idea and do something mean to him?  Luckily, all I have had to do so far was vacuum it about once a year. 
A damp rag and blot after spraying with:

Allow it to sit a few min and use a soft brush is needed.
No need to soak it.
We had a water stained that appeared this last year where the dish is. We have since repaired the leak, but it did leave a pretty good stain on the carpeted off-white ceiling. I put bleach in a spray bottle and sprayed it directly on the stain, and seemed to work very well.
The Bissell Little Green Cleaner has worked very well for me in many situations, though I have never had a carpet ceiling. Has a hose, a power scrubber, might be the answer.
Your ceiling could be Ozite.  We used the water/bleach spray method on another RV and it worked great.  (No blotting....spray and come back next day to see what transpired)
    Oldracer X2, befor I used eternabond tape to seal the front where the rubber roof meets the fiberglass, or when the roof A/Cs needed their bolts tightened,we would occasionally get water stains on the ceiling.  Once that occurred when the coach was left for some maintenance on a dirt parking lot, and the ceiling got "mud dyed".  The little Green Machine worked perfectly, but as with doing carpets, rinse it a couple of times with plain warm water to remove all the soap.

I had a ballpoint pen fall apart and put a big gob of ink on a fabric car seat. Aaa aargh!!! Put a big lump of Go-Jo hand cleaner on it, headed for home and attacked it with the Little Green Machine and their soap.

End result, no stain at all!  I will always have one on hand just for emergencies, and car carpets, etc.
We use a product named Tech. Comes in a spray bottle and is fairly inexpensive. I used to work at a grade school and the head janitor told me about this product. It works on almost anything without damage, especially carpeting.

Go to the pet store and buy carpet stain remover shampoo with enzyme. Sponge or or spray on light rubbing then let dry. 

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