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Jan Stiskala

Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
My first four wheel drive experience.
We decided with Olga to rent a small 2 door Jeep for one day to drive up to the mountains in Colorado Ouray County. Our goal was to drive to the top of Engineer pass 12 800 feet high. (3 901 m above sea level). The track was hard on the top, but the snow melted nearly on all parts of the track (18 of June). We saw lot of other 4w drive enthusiasts doing the same thing like us.  We started our drive up by Corkscrew track and the scenery was breathtaking all the way up. We specially loved Red Mountain. But our drama started on the way back.
Somehow I lost my directions and the turn off to the bottom part of  Engineer pass.  The road started to be really rough and narrow, full of large boulders. There was no way back for me from there. No way I could back up 400 meters trough all this sharp turns with large rocks.
I was wandering where all these hundreds of other 4wheel drivers disappeared.  I felt like Bighorn goat on 4 wheels. Looking down to the canyon was not encouraging. We started to realize that this track is the one we were told to definitely not to take  by people who rented us the Jeep. It is 2 miles long but descending about 1500 feet , I think. (There is a warning on the map saying High clearance short base for experts 4x4 drivers only. The name of this track is Poughkeepsie Gulch. People who know Ouray County will understand how frightening this was for a first time 4 wheel driver. It took me 2 hours to descend by this track and during this time we did not see any other vehicle.
Well,  we made it down to highway 55 and I was stressed, tired, shaking but proud. The jeep is unharmed.
Looks like I am picking up a new hobby. Must get myself a Jeep. I will tell Olga maybe next week after she recovers from this adventure.
Sounds like a great adventure, my wife panics if we go off a paved road.
WAY TO GO JAN!!! Surely an adventure you will remember for the rest of your life.  I hope you took pictures that you can share with Dee and I when you come back to California.  Sounds like Olga is (was) all better from her fall.  Know she is probably terrified of 4 wheeling.  Hope you continue to have a blast on your continued adventures.

Cheers mate,

Oh My Gosh!  How  NOT  to to it on your first run out.  You broke lots of the "rules"  but we are so happy you are safe.  Now just promise us you will not do that again unless you have someone with you.

What a difficult run!  Goofy is still YOURS!  Did you happen to take any photos?  Well glad you made it and are ok.  Yep I see a Jeep in your future!

P Gulch... that's a rough one.  Engineer Pass, not so tough.  Goofy (and lucky) for sure, maybe permanently?  Makes for a thrilling experience.... Black Bear tomorrow!
Jan - you are the adventurer!  We run those trails every summer, in fact we're leaving this morning for Montrose and we will be there for about six weeks.

There are so many old mining roads around the mountains, it can get very confusing - sometimes we have to stop to figure out where we are.  You really need the Charles Wells guide book and a GPS to avoid your spontaneous experience  :D.

Rental Jeeps are prohibited from Poughkeepsie, Black Bear, and I think Governor's Basin (and maybe others.)  Here's a video of us going up the harder left side at Poughkeepsie and here's the easier right side (the wrong line and the correct one.)
John Canfield said:
Jan - you are the adventurer!  We run those trails every summer, in fact we're leaving this morning for Montrose and we will be there for about six weeks.

There are so many old mining roads around the mountains, it can get very confusing - sometimes we have to stop to figure out where we are.  You really need the Charles Wells guide book and a GPS to avoid your spontaneous experience  :D.

Rental Jeeps are prohibited from Poughkeepsie, Black Bear, and I think Governor's Basin (and maybe others.)  Here's a video of us going up the harder left side at Poughkeepsie and here's the easier right side (the wrong line and the correct one.)

John not adventurer, just a fool to loose my navigation trough the mountains. . I don't have any pictures. I was so stressed and in panic, that we don't have one. It is easy to make videos and pictures if you go for this type of adventure voluntarily. That was not my case. I was just hoping to survive and return hire jeep in tact.
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