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Jan 13, 2005
Some folks know that we waited several years for a slot in a covered storage area for the coach. We live in the boonies, but there are a couple of local limo companies who use the same storage facilities for their cars.

This isn't a good photo, taken with my cell phone, but thought it would fit the subject line.


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Scenes like that are common in the "boonies".  Suuurre, they are!!  ;)
Discovery Bay=Boonies?

At least you have a waiting list... the only way to have enclosed storage around here is to build one.  Let's see, $120/mo; $1440/yr; $14,400/decade; to rent... $30,000 to build; you got a bargain, plus you don't have to look at it.
gmsboss1 said:
Tom's too modest, so I'll reply for him.
The answer is "both".  The little one is his toad. ;D

I suspected as much.  I wonder if he gets to drive the toad?
I wouldn't mind owning one of the 4 limos in the storage place, provided I didn't have to drive any of them. They'd make a great tow, except we'd be well over the legal length limit  ;D

Aye, we're in the boonies, surrounded by farmland. Development has crept towards us somewhat, but we're 80 or so miles from the airport with few ways to get there. The limo companies always seem to be busy.

At least you have a waiting list...

First time I talked to the lady (maybe 8 years ago?), her first response was "I don't do business with anyone I don't know personally". When I explained that we bought our house from one of her friends, that cracked open the dialog. But she made it clear that she rarely had vacancies, maybe only if someone died.

Meanwhile, Chris got to know the lady through participation in a voluntary group, which opened the communication channel a little further. When we were finally offered a place, it was in the smallest of 3 barns, and the coach was too tall to fit through the door. I moved the coach to her open storage lot, and that's when we finally got on the waiting list.
Tom said:
Some folks know that we waited several years for a slot in a covered storage area for the coach. We live in the boonies, but there are a couple of local limo companies who use the same storage facilities for their cars.

This isn't a good photo, taken with my cell phone, but thought it would fit the subject line.

Bet that thing is hard to tow ;D ;D
I'd put two wheels on a dolly, so it would only weigh half as much  ;D
going a bit off topic but how much is it to build a stretch limo (just always wondered).
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