Interior update for the Condormobile

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zzyzx said:
If you notice I have almost zero kitchen counter space.

I see two things you could do to increase your workable counter  space if you wanted.

First get a cover to go over  one part of that big double sink.  It would also hide dirty  dishes until  you get around to washing them. (This is a trick I know first hand)

Second find a cutting board or other  flat surface board to set on the stove top over the burners  when it is not in use.  (For me this is most of the time)

You might be able to cut a piece of scrap formica counter top to fit over both openings. or ask a cabinet maker about  cutting one for you.  Then just remove the covers  when you travel and set them  on bed or floor.  My corion covers actually are cut to fit sink and don't rattle so I leave one cover on all the time.
Betty Brewer said:
I see two things you could do to increase your workable counter  space if you wanted.

First get a cover to go over  one part of that big double sink.  It would also hide dirty  dishes until  you get around to washing them. (This is a trick I know first hand)

Second find a cutting board or other  flat surface board to set on the stove top over the burners  when it is not in use.  (For me this is most of the time)

Thank you Betty for another thoughtful reply. I have thought of both things but I really don't need more kitchen counter space. The problem is that I would then have to have a lot more cupboard space to hold pots, pans, cups, measuring things, scales, and a bunch of utensils. I would also need more cabinet space to hold spices, flour, sugar, and all the other things cooks use. I really don't like following recipes and cooking exotic things. I just BBQ steaks, salmon and chicken. Very low maintenance items the way I cook them.

As far as dirty dishes go I can't get either Tarzan or Jane to do my dishes so I do them immediately after I am done eating. I hate the sight of dirty dishes in the sink and don't allow them to fester there. I found out quickly that if I don't do the dishes right away the food on them hardens and it takes a lot longer to clean them.
One of my neighbors stopped by tonight. He is a musician and wanted to complement me on my bass playing. So I invited him in to show off my set up. He almost had a heart attack. I think he was impressed.

Ernie - I know I have to wait till I get there, I am just excited about getting this interior fixed and it is killing me that I have to wait another 6 or 7 months. This blue is really ugly, and it is four different shades with lots of sun damage.
It seems that blue and the dreaded mauve tend to fade in sunlite. It maybe the pigments that were used years ago? Anyhow, we have lots of sources here in the DFW metroplex that we can make your coach look swell. Have you given any consideration to some of the luxury vinyl planks? Very tough material and lots of styles and color choices. No blue, though ;D
Ernie - I want to have carpeting on most of the floor. It is covering some very beautiful flooring that was just installed last year. However, hardwood floors echo sound too much. They make it hard for my two cats to get traction when running around here and it doesn't feel good when it is cold in the morning. So a nice thick brown shag is what I want.
Looks great, I never thought of covering the step well with a floor while you're parked.  I've almost tripped into that hole a couple times, thanks for the idea!
midnightbluel81 said:
Looks great, I never thought of covering the step well with a floor while you're parked.  I've almost tripped into that hole a couple times, thanks for the idea!
You are welcome. I have tripped into the step well several times on my last RV which did not have a cover. I almost fell out of my RV once, which would have resulted in at least a broken arm.
zzyzx said:
You are welcome. I have tripped into the step well several times on my last RV which did not have a cover. I almost fell out of my RV once, which would have resulted in at least a broken arm.

Tom made one just like that so our Lab could curl up out of the main walkway in our old non-slide Bounder.  It's surprising how it increases the feeling of space. 

Tom and Margi said:
Tom made one just like that so our Lab could curl up out of the main walkway in our old non-slide Bounder.  It's surprising how it increases the feeling of space. 


I assume you have to move it to go outside? As for the Lab lying there, Gordon would be insulted if we suggested that he lie down on the floor. :)
Wendy said:
I assume you have to move it to go outside? As for the Lab lying there, Gordon would be insulted if we suggested that he lie down on the floor. :)

Wendy, are you sure that Gordon and Ringo aren't related?
Wendy said:
I assume you have to move it to go outside? As for the Lab lying there, Gordon would be insulted if we suggested that he lie down on the floor. :)

Yes, we had to move it.  We usually put it in place when we were through for the day.  Dusty was trained not to sit on the furniture and she usually behaved.  But, guess who jumped up on the couch just as soon as we walked out the door?  ::)  That was her protest at being left behind. 

Tom, for what it's worth, I was walking through some department stores the other day and noticed that blue and brown colors are quite popular right now.  The mix of the two colors is not my taste, but then I like the blue!  ;)

My stick house is 99% earth tones, which is my first choice, but I rather enjoy the pleasant blue interior of the old Bounder.  If everyone declares war on their blue MH interiors, maybe the old girl will be a 'one of a kind' and stylish again someday ;) :D
  Someone told me that BLUE is a cool color.  Maybe you wont need the A/C running as much.

Just trying to save you some money.... ;D

How are you doing?

Lou - We had brown/earth tones for years in both our stick house and motorhomes.  I couldn't wait to switch to blue and still enjoy it!  Dealers will tell you that customers hate blue, but not all of us do!


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