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Doc Rod

New member
Jul 16, 2023
I have not been able to get into IRV2. I get email from them but am unable to open their site. Anyone else having this problem?
just logged in using this link: iRV2 Forums
It worked for me.

Maybe its the solar flare interfering with your internet connection. :unsure:

Safe travels and all the best.
Good to learn you are back online at IRV2.

Without some more detailed description of why you couldn't access their site, we can only conjecture about the problem. If it happens again, please describe where the expected process went wrong, e.g. the login screen failed to display or your login ID was rejected or whatever.
I was a moderator there for many years but resigned from the staff after a dispute over site management style & rules. But I'm still a member and visit every day.
I visit both this site and IRV2 regularly.
Both sites have provided me with valuable info.
Having said that I find this site to be more friendly/comfortable.
Moderators on IRV2 are pretty quick on the trigger to block certain posts. Maybe a bit too quick in my opinion.:unsure:

Safe travels and all the best.
I visit both this site and IRV2 regularly.
Both sites have provided me with valuable info.
Having said that I find this site to be more friendly/comfortable.
Moderators on IRV2 are pretty quick on the trigger to block certain posts. Maybe a bit too quick in my opinion.:unsure:

Safe travels and all the best.
Ya but; that's the only way to keep from turning into another
I logged in just fine. There's some interesting comments (above) on this thread. I don't post much on IRV2, but I do read it a lot. When I post, it's usually topics that deal with holding tanks, as I don't have a motor home and it seems that site has been tailored for the motor home crowd. In a lot of ways, I don't have much in common with them.

I've not noticed "negativity" on the site, but I sure got my belly full on! That's why I left there also after posting more than 15,000 posts!

I do like ALL of the RV Life family of forums. Everyone on all of them is much more friendly and not so mean spirited. At least, I've not noticed any mean spirit. Maybe I'm more thick skinned and don't take it so hard any more, or maybe, on some posts, I simply do not care? Anyway, no complaints from he. But ... don't get me started on that "former" forum site! Wow!
I haven’t been able to log onto IRV2 in over a year. Keep getting msg. of wrong password, wrong user name, etc. try resetting and no matter what combo I use, get the same messages. Tried contacting them numerous times, but never receive a response. I agree with others, they in the past were knee-jerk regarding reprimands/suspensions.
I haven’t been able to log onto IRV2 in over a year. Keep getting msg. of wrong password, wrong user name, etc. try resetting and no matter what combo I use, get the same messages. Tried contacting them numerous times, but never receive a response. I agree with others, they in the past were knee-jerk regarding reprimands/suspensions.
I may I know the source of your problem. IRV2 is part of the RVLife Network group and there is an RVLife logon that gives you access to any of the sites in that group. But if you have an IRV2-only logon (as I and most long term members do), you can't logon through the RVLife access portal. I've stumbled into that a few times when trying to logon to IRV2 (I usually just leave my session logged in) and it can be a struggle to get to the right logon procedure.
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